Picture of my grandkids at the airport for their 12 day trip to Italy. The trip was finally happening since being cancelled and changed several times because of COVID.

Great sketch. I wanted some "senior: pictures of my son besides the standard studio ones. Took these at a local park and they capture him so well...nature and music. Thanks for another great challenge.

"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"

My version, used paint splatters in yellow and gray, also used in Pet challenge

I stretched it to two pages and I used gold splatter
<img src="https://sbing.com/i/gallery2/546655-490.jpg" alt="Image"/>

Layout created for the march sketch with a twist, combined with manufacturer with a twist, and the 30 prompts #4: use lots of green.
Manufacturer with a twist: Cocoa vanilla studio, Echo park paper and Felicity Jane brand, and the twist is: green.
Add some sparkle to your life 
- Henriette

- Henriette

“Whatever you choose to do, leave tracks. That means don’t do it just for yourself. You will want to leave the world a little better for your having lived.” RBG
