I chose March 19th National Poultry Day. I couldn't believe it when I realized I had to the very thing to scrap! LOL Thank you!
Hello Chick! : Gallery : A Cherry On Top

Hello Chick! : Gallery : A Cherry On Top

Plant a flower day! I used lots of flowers
<img src="https://sbing.com/i/gallery2/546655-490.jpg" alt="Image"/>

I chose #19 Poultry Day for this picture of my husband with one of our new ducklings. I combined it with the Manufacturer with a Twist challenge.

19 - Poultry Day - I took pictures of my son & his girlfriend going to a winter formal. She wanted pictures with her favorite chicken so I photosopped my son's cat in also (bottom left photo). I still laugh thinking about this.

Here's mine for March 26th - purple day. My DGD who will be 3 tomorrow REALLY loves purple!

I (heart) purple

I (heart) purple
“The next best thing to the enjoyment of a good time, is the recollection of it.” — James Lendall Basford
