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Cherry Bomb

Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
Due to popular demand, I'll be offering a series of challenges based on the Jewish coming of age celebration – the Bar (boy) or Bat (girl) Mitzvah! Each challenge will follow a short discussion of some aspect of the observance of the Bar or Bat Mitzvah.

I'll start by defining the terms Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah.
"Bar" is the Hebrew word for son
"Bat" is the Hebrew word for daughter
"Mitzvah" has several definitions, however in this context it refers to commandments, or religious duties.
FYI: The other (and more commonly used) definition of mitzvah  is” good deed”.

The literal translation of Bar Mitzvah – “son of the commandment” – or Bat Mitzvah – “daughter of the commandment” –means that once the Jewish child comes of age, they have the same religious rights and responsibilities of a Jewish adult. For example, once the young adult celebrates their Bar or Bat Mitzvah they can be counted as an adult toward the quorum of 10 (known as a "minyan") required for some prayer services.

Boys universally become Bar Mitzvah at the age of 13, however the age of Bat Mitzvah varies based on the affiliation of the congregation. Conservative and Reform congregations celebrate at age 13 regardless of gender, however Orthodox congregations celebrate Bat Mitzvah at age 12. Preparations for this milestone begin many months in advance. During their preparation, Jewish boys and girls take the time to understand the significance of the occasion, what Bar and Bat Mitzvah traditions are involved, why it’s observed, and the importance of their role in Judaism. Additionally, in the last three decades, an adult bar/bat mitzvah ceremony has been developed that is not a coming of age, but rather an affirmation of Jewish identity for Jews who did not have bar/bat mitzvahs as children.

Note that the Bar Mitzvah isn’t first and foremost an event, but a state of being. The ceremony is simply a way to celebrate and impress upon the boy the significance of his milestone. The inspiration for this challenge, my oldest grandchild (and only boy!) Penn, actually celebrated his 13th birthday in January, however due to practical concerns related to travel and winter weather he will be celebrating his Bar Mitzvah this month.

***Curious minds want to know: Did Jesus have a Bar Mitzvah?? No one knows for sure, but since Jesus was brought up in a Jewish household and considered himself Jewish, he certainly came into adulthood as a Jew. It is interesting to note that aside from stories of his birth, the only specific account of Jesus' childhood is in the Book of Luke when he stayed behind at the temple at age 12 to study with the teachers. It has been surmised by biblical scholars that this account may represent his ascent into Jewish manhood. However, the celebration of the Bar Mitzvah is a product of the 13th century and therefore it's unlikely that Jesus would have done anything close to what people consider a Bar Mitzvah celebration today.***

But we digress....
Now that we have discussed how the Bar or Bat Mitzvah is an important milestone in the Jewish live cycle, your first challenge will be a layout about a significant milestone - one that marks a "turning point" in life.

For my example, this layout is of my DGD's graduation from pre-school. She will be in Kindergarten in the fall!


Now for the boring, but important stuff:
1) For this challenge, only layouts can be submitted
2) This challenge will be due at midnight on 3/31.
3) All layouts must be NEW. You may combine this challenge with one other monthly challenge that permits it, (as well as the team challenge and the bimonthly prompt challenge) but you may NOT submit the same layout for 2 different Bar Mitzvah challenges.
4) Only one submission, per person.
5) MOST IMPORTANT: I hope that you learned something and that you HAVE FUN!
“The next best thing to the enjoyment of a good time, is the recollection of it.” — James Lendall Basford
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
Karyn, TY so much for doing this!  The explanations are great and I love this challenge.
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Cherry Berry

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
Middle school graduation
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Jolly Holly Scraps

Cherry Cropper

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
Karyn Sue, thanks for taking the time to educate us about this tradition! ☺️ I love your layout and I'm going to dig and see if I have any pictures that I can use! 
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
Very interesting.  I love learning of different cultures and religions.  
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
combined with book lover's challenge


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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
Loved reading all  this. Thanks for sharing with us.  I have had these pictures on my computer for the longest just waiting for the right challenge.  I found them over the summer in a bag in my closet 2 years ago.  These are my senior pictures (42 years ago) so they are a bit fuzzy but still happy to have them.  Combined with Manufacturer challenge. 

The pictures look crooked but they aren't  😜


"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
Our DGD's milestone induction into the National Junior Honor Society. 

National Junior Honor Society
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
Thank you for the explanation, yes I did learn a lot!  My husband's retirement was definitely a milestone!


Combined with the My Mood challenge

👋 ~~Sandy~~ 👋
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Cherry Bing

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
Here is my page - My granddaughter's 1st birthday:

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Cherry Tart

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
Here is one of my twin cousins high school graduation.

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
My daughter graduated from law school in May 2020, during the shutdown from the Covid pandemic. They moved her graduation to December 2020, but there were still no large gatherings due to the spike during the holiday season. I promised her we would celebrate her graduation from law school once the world settled down. To commemorate this milestone, we booked a mother daughter adventure to London and Paris. I booked a special graduation and birthday celebration meal at the gourmet restaurant in the Eiffel Tower. Before our meal, we got to spend some time looking around and shared a glass of champagne.

Whatever you choose to do, leave tracks. That means don’t do it just for yourself. You will want to leave the world a little better for your having lived.” RBG

:) Trisha

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
I used a pic of my DD's wedding for an example of a milestone.
- joannie

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
My granddaughter's last first day of high school.
These girls are seniors.  



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Cherry Bing

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
I decided to scrap a couple of my daughter's senior photos. I can't believe she's a senior this year!!!
Image            ImageImageImageImage
Scrapbooking reminds us that life is good!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1

These are pictures of our first time hatching eggs.  Mama Goose had 4 eggs.  Her partner Peep had lost a battle with a car thinking he was protecting Mama.  We wanted to make sure she had babies so we let her keep 2 eggs to sit on and we took 2 and put them in the incubator.  They all hatched on May 4, 2022!  As soon as we knew the goslings were dry Mama so she could raise them all together.  We couldn’t tell them apart for a long time but eventually they had Star Wars names because May 4th is Star Wars Day.  I combined this with the Weekly Sketch #420. 
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Cherry Bing

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
I used an engagement photo

Kim Breaux
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Sharman Paulus .

Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
Here is mine. I moved back home to PA after being away forImage over 50 years.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
My daughter purchased her first home!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Penn's Bar Mitzvah Challenge #1
DGGD turning 16
Hi everyone!     My name is Susan and I love to scrapbook!

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