For a Bonus Entry, base your layout or card on this new January 2015 PageMap.

Here's one of my examples using the colors, polka dots, stripes, chevrons.
{Sorry for the shadows! Darn Scanner!}
Photos of little grandson Kellan at the Dentist, November 2013.

Open Wide!

Here's my example based on the sketch. I was inspired by the colors, dots, gray stripes, and polka dots.
Photos of little grandson Kellan finding his eggs last Easter 2014.
The Egg Hunt 2014

For the fine print....
This can be a paper or digital layout or a card. All work must be new. You may do this more than 1 time. You may combine this with one other Challenge that allows that. Please link your work here. Deadline is January 31st. A random winner will be selected for a $5 ACOT gift card from me!
Hope you have FUN with this!

Cherries Participating:
1. Kaytee (kaytee)
2. Kaytee (kaytee) - Sketch
3. Anne-Marie (scrappinmom99)
4. Tracy (tracydacy)
5. Kate (kate W.)
6. Susan (oceanbreezes423) (page 1)
7. Susan (oceanbreezes423) (page 2)
8. Terri (meterr70)
9. Shannon (Craftyshannon)
10. (keatonsgtgram)
11. (keatonsgtgram) - Sketch
12. Susan (shoorn)
13. Susan (shoorn) - Sketch
14. SherrieLynne (SherrieLynne)
15. SherrieLynne (SherrieLynne) - Sketch
16. Heather (mom2ellabell)
17. Heather (mom2ellabell) - Sketch
18. Karrie (sweetsour)
19. Debbie (debamas)
20. Debbie (debamas) - Sketch
21. Nancy (ncokely)
22. Donna (Retiree3)
23. Jillian (jrrah4903)
24. Jillian (jrrah4903) - Sketch
25. Aimee (EmtAimee734)
26. Christi (Christi S.)
27. Joannie (joannie)
28. Jenn (butterfly843)
29. Christi (Christi S.)
30. Sandi (Sandi0805)
31. Sandi (Sandi0805)
32. Sandi (Sandi0805)
33. Donna (Retiree3)
34. Donna (Retiree3) - Sketch
35. Heather (scrappininAK)
36. Heather (scrappininAK) - Sketch
37. Heather (scrappininAK)
38. Joannie (joannie)
39. Candie (peytongirl)
40. Candie (peytongirl) - Sketch
41. Stephanie (stephrae)
42. Stephanie (stephrae) - Sketch
43. (grama of 2)
44. Stephanie (scrapsteph)
45. Stephanie (scrapsteph) - Sketch
46. Bonnie (blfonty)
47. Bonnie (blfonty) - Sketch
48. Kim (killarney rose)
It's time for my January Mood Board Challenge Winners!! WOW! Thanks for participating, everyone!! Really appreciate that!
According to random.org........
Winner of the $5 ACOT Gift Card is.....
36. Heather (scrappininAK) - Sketch
(I'll be buying it in the morning.)
Congrats Heather!!
Winner of the RAK is.....
30. Sandi (Sandi0805)
Congrats Sandi!! Please pm me your name and address.
I'll get your RAK out soon.