In today's paper I read this...
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:31 pm
now it was not front page news (and I am asking why): "Executive Pay Limits 'all but gone' with Bush's change to bailout bill".
DISCLAIMER: I am strongly opinionated as I was raised by a single parent who survived because of her involvement with the typographical union so that she got equal wages long before equal rights, k?
Basically what the article says is that while Congress wanted to limit the companies who applied for and accepted the bailout money (our money), none could go for the executives. Bush has made a change to the bill presently before Congress that would "effectively repeal the only enforcement in the law dealing with lavish pay for top executives".
The original bill " incentives that encouraged top executives to take excessive risks, provided for the recovery of bonuses based on earnings that never materialize and prohibited 'golden parachute' severance pay...most effective provison WAS( caps mine)the ban on companies deducting more than $500,000 a year from their taxable income for compensation paid to their top executives" (from the Washington Post in today St. Petersburg Times /4A)
I am fuming...this means that the very men who led the companies that are in dire trouble, want us to pay for large bonuses for their incompetence and Bush is pushing this through Congress as one of his last hurrahs!
I am writing my congressman NOW!
DISCLAIMER: I am strongly opinionated as I was raised by a single parent who survived because of her involvement with the typographical union so that she got equal wages long before equal rights, k?
Basically what the article says is that while Congress wanted to limit the companies who applied for and accepted the bailout money (our money), none could go for the executives. Bush has made a change to the bill presently before Congress that would "effectively repeal the only enforcement in the law dealing with lavish pay for top executives".
The original bill " incentives that encouraged top executives to take excessive risks, provided for the recovery of bonuses based on earnings that never materialize and prohibited 'golden parachute' severance pay...most effective provison WAS( caps mine)the ban on companies deducting more than $500,000 a year from their taxable income for compensation paid to their top executives" (from the Washington Post in today St. Petersburg Times /4A)
I am fuming...this means that the very men who led the companies that are in dire trouble, want us to pay for large bonuses for their incompetence and Bush is pushing this through Congress as one of his last hurrahs!
I am writing my congressman NOW!