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What happened to Prop 8?
 I don't know if this is debate worthy, but I put it here "just in case".  

I'll just clarify now, I'm all for gay marriage.  Everyone should have equal opportunity to be miserable.  :-D  No really, I don't care...they aren't hurting me, affecting my wallet, so I'm all for it.  It's not like heterosexuals have done such a great job preserving the sanctity of marriage with the 50-60% divorce rate. 

I thought California was a left leaning state.  A majority voted for Obama.  How did Prop 8 get through??

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
 I am with you on this subject, I think marriage is supposed to be about love too. I am curious to see what people have to say about this too... 
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Cherry Cola

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
 I was just reading a synopsis in my poly sci newsletter that show the exit polls having the high turn out of African Americans and Hispanics that voted for Obama voting FOR Prop 8. They are traditionally more conservative when it comes to those types of issues.

I have no idea if this is true, just repeating what the pollsters are saying.

Sorry - edited to correct my error -

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
 Grrrrrrrr...California looks like a big hypocrite right now. I am stunned Prop 8 passed. :waiting:
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Wild Cherry

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
 You know, I think that the wording always screws people up.  And I think that when people get confused, they try to 'logic' the situation.  "Let's if I vote 'yes' I must be supporting gay marriage" when it's the exact opposite.  I think it's hilarious that the group supporting it is a 'protect marriage' group.  Seriously?  Have they seen the statistics?  They're all, 'Protect marriage and our children'.  What do children have to do with gay marriage?  Protect heterosexual marriage to protect your children....way over half end in divorce.  Think that's a good message?!
"hoarder of supplies"
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A Cherry on Top

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
 Totally disappointed in the voters on this one.  I agree with the verbiage.  Voting "yes" meant "no" and vice-versa. 
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
 I am personally very disappointed. I do wonder how many people voted "Yes" when they actually agree with "No". But then again a couple of friends I have that are religious & have no problems with gays in general said "Yes" on Prop 8 because they "believe in the bible" & one who is a teacher was leaning towards "Yes" (this is before voting) because she did not want schools teaching kids that same sex marriages were okay. Lots of uninformed people on Prop 8.
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Cherry Cola

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
 It's always been my understanding that outside of "Hollywood" and the Bay Area, the rest of CA is fairly conservative, is it not? Afterall, you do have one of the most conservative Governors on record - aside from his environmental record.

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A Cherry on Top

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
I would say a number of factors played a part in the demise of this initiative: 1) The main focus of California voters were on the Presidential election 2) Progressive voters got too comfortable in Sept/Oct and didn't push the initiative 3) As Amy stated, "The wording confused voters."

Obama opposed the initiative early on and the campain members should have ran with THAT particular platform.. instead, they focused on San Francisco's predominantly gay community... Uh. Duh! That's like preaching to the choir!

Personally, I think with today's younger, more open-minded generation of future voters coming of voting age, we'll see a repeal and turnover of that particular ban within... I'd say, the next election. 

Just my two cents... ;)
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Re: What happened to Prop 8?
-Shannon- wrote: Grrrrrrrr...California looks like a big hypocrite right now. I am stunned Prop 8 passed. :waiting:
That's kinda what I was thinking.  I thought it would get crushed. 

Thanks M'Lee...that makes some sense to me.  And I do agree that the verbiage was terribly confusing, especially with language barriers. 

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Cherry Delight

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
 We had Amendment 2 here in Florida that also passed. Now, marriage will be classified as one man-one woman and many domestic partners(same sex and male/female) will be screwed out of rights.

Just like Prop 8, its wording was confusing to many voters.
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Rosa sat so that Martin could walk. Martin walked so that Barack could run. Barack ran so that our children could fly.
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Cherry Cola

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
 I think it was how they were publicizing it.  I dont think it was just about gay/lesbian marriage.  They kept saying that if it passed that they would teach gay marriage in schools.  I think that scared some people.  I think most people think that kids should learn about it naturally (as it comes up), not be forced upon them.  That could be confusing to young kids.  They were saying that it would be "taught" as young as kindergarten.  I mean, really, sex ed isnt even discussed until 5th grade!  Anyways, I think that opinion swayed the vote.  I dont think most Californians are against gay/lesbian marriage.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
 I am so thankful that this passed, and I pray it holds! The idea of gay marriage is wrong morally and socially, and I am glad level heads prevailed on this issue!


wife of one, mother of FOUR! :)
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Re: What happened to Prop 8?
 Yeeeahhh, that  would be why I put it in the debate section. :?

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
kcatt79 wrote: I am so thankful that this passed, and I pray it holds! The idea of gay marriage is wrong morally and socially, and I am glad level heads prevailed on this issue!
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Cherry Cropper

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
 I am glad. I find it morally wrong and do not support it.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
Themom wrote: It's always been my understanding that outside of "Hollywood" and the Bay Area, the rest of CA is fairly conservative, is it not? Afterall, you do have one of the most conservative Governors on record - aside from his environmental record.
Actually even our conservative Governor voted No on Prop 8.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
I find it morally wrong to discriminate. :?
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Cherry Cropper

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
 Where is that eyeroll smiley?
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: What happened to Prop 8?
SBcrazee wrote:I find it morally wrong to discriminate. :?

Discrimination is not liking someone for color or gender, not saying that something is morally wrong. Is it discrimination to think that to murder is morally wrong? They are equally the same. This is where I stand. I have that right, to say what I think, without being called discriminatory. I am married to an Asian, and I can tell you, in a biracial marriage, with biracial kids, you are aware of what is discriminatory and what is not.


wife of one, mother of FOUR! :)
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