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The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:02 pm
by Jenn Kellams
......Is giving me a GREAT headache!!  I enjoy listening to it, but I hate the way the answers twist the truth.  I used to love watching a debate, but this one is giving me a headache.  Joe Biden's heavy breathing creeps me out and Sarah Palins voice made my head hurt and I love her.  Or maybe I hated how much Biden used the word "fundamental"........grrrr  Maybe I am just in a bad mood!  lol 

However, I do think that Sarah Palin redeemed herself tonight.  And I also think Biden held his own. "Fundamentally" the debate is decent.

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:59 pm
by Miteenice
 It was a tie.  Neither one WOWed me.  I don't ever want to hear the word "Maverick" again.   Palin did good, but it was still too scripted on both sides.  And I do not think the facts were accurate.  Tomorrow we should know better how it turned out.  I think Sarah was more accurate, because she had a lot more to lose.

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:06 pm
by MLee
 LOL, fundamentally I think overall you are both correct. Neither acted like a true "maverick" and unfortunately Gov. Palin says "nucular" the same way former-President Carter did which really got on MY last nerve - and I'm a big of hers as well. ;)

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:08 pm
by Flapdoodle
 I was too busy clipping my toenails and being on here. Image

But I could HEAR it all from the other room, where Dh was watching it. :-D

And OMG I KNOW---the "Noo-cue-ler" pronounciation grinds my butt!!!!!

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:12 pm
by JeanellePaige
 I was listening to it from the other room too, while making scrappy stuff on the puter. I am a bad citizen! I should get more informed before voting day! :waiting:

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:14 pm
by cynderellaj
jjenni08 wrote:....Joe Biden's heavy breathing creeps me out 
 Oh my god...I thought I was imagining that or something.  So glad to hear that someone else noticed it too.  What is up with that???

I don't normally watch debates, and I admit I wasn't focused 100% on this one either.  But thought I should watch it since I haven't picked a candidate yet......unfortunately, I am still as undecided as I was 90 minutes ago...dang it!!!!

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:17 pm
by MLee
Flapdoodle wrote: 
But I could HEAR it all from the other room, where Dh was watching it. :-D

And OMG I KNOW---the "Noo-cue-ler" pronounciation grinds my butt!!!!!
I was in the other room too but it resonated - nooo cuuuu lar - like that cough drop commercial  -  Riiiicooooolaaaa!

Of course, Biden was mumbling so I didn't hear anything he said except, as I went through for a glass of wine, "John McCain said, and I quote, to paraphase..."  I love it! And I quote, to paraphase! Only someone who has twice plagarzized could use a line like that and not crack up at their own gaffe!

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:20 pm
by Flapdoodle
 "FUNdamental" kept filtering it's way into my audial range, as well.

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:51 am
by gonecamping
Miteenice wrote: It was a tie.  Neither one WOWed me.  I don't ever want to hear the word "Maverick" again. 
 I agree!! I am sick of hearing how they are both mavericks. I didn't catch the "noo-cue-ler" bit..OMG maybe thats how I pronounce it.  Now I am not sure, I have been obsessing over how I say it. Someone clue me in...LOL!

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:41 am
by SG_Becky
 I was more impressed with Biden (although Fundamentally annoyed at the Fundamentals of the being Fundamental - omg!) than I expected to be.  He does trip over his words (yeah, the quote/paraphrase thing definitely made me turn to the cat and say, "What?!"), but I think his passion for the issues is what trips him up, not a desire to twist things.

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:52 am
by Jenn Kellams
SG_Becky wrote: I was more impressed with Biden (although Fundamentally annoyed at the Fundamentals of the being Fundamental - omg!) than I expected to be.  He does trip over his words (yeah, the quote/paraphrase thing definitely made me turn to the cat and say, "What?!"), but I think his passion for the issues is what trips him up, not a desire to twist things.

ROFL....I spit water when I read the fundamental part too.  lol

Otherwise, i agree with what you said.  I also agree with what someone else said, I am not more enthused than I was before the debate (although I know who I am voting for already)

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:20 pm
by MLee
SG_Becky wrote: I was more impressed with Biden (although Fundamentally annoyed at the Fundamentals of the being Fundamental - omg!) than I expected to be.  He does trip over his words (yeah, the quote/paraphrase thing definitely made me turn to the cat and say, "What?!"), but I think his passion for the issues is what trips him up, not a desire to twist things.
I agree. While I think both held their own very well tonight, I thought Joseph Biden to be very truthful and passionate about what he was saying. I am very much in agreement with him on the issues of Afghanistan and the environment.

In all honesty I don't care for Obama. It goes back to some things he said and did in the earlier stages of the campaign and I don't want him for President but I don't want McCain either. Neither of these choices is the best choice right now.

I would like to vote for Biden and Palin, can we do that? :?

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:21 pm
by MLee
 Becky, I'm also glad to know I'm not the only one who has political conversations with my cat. ;)

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:33 pm
by JeanG
DH & I kept pointing out mistakes to each other - mistakes on both sides - and by the time it ended, I thought I was going to have to scream. Palin's voice was just grating on my nerves - just like Larry Kudlow's does. Her constant references to herself as a governor and mayor were pointless - though I was glad she dropped the "Mom" stuff after soccer and hockey references. And she smiled through the whole thing like it was a big joke. (IMO) As for Biden - it's all been said.  I thought they were courteous to each other and continually avoided answering the question they had been asked.  She came off better than I had thought she would and he came across as I figured he would.  I just can't see her as President if McCain dies; I can kinda see Biden as President if Obama dies, but I'd not be happy about it.  I know - it just came to me!  She was trying over-hard to sell herself!! At least I now understand some of the annoying remarks she continually made.  Still haven't figured out Biden's mumbling.  And it hasn't changed anything for me. Obama's still my man!

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:37 pm
by Mommybruno
My DH says that the voting should be for the VPs this year anyway - if McCain gets elected, he'll likely die in office. And if Obama gets elected, DH expects to see an assassination.

I personally have a strict policy of non-involvement.

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:45 pm
by MLee
 With all of the importance they are placing on the VPs, you would think that is the way every one is thinking. :?

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 1:10 pm
by Queen Mum
 I'd rather watch paint dry than watch the debates.    I fell asleep.

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 1:18 pm
by allysonc
 I think palin did a better job then biden..but biden's breathing and then like at one time he said george bush..or bush like 5 or 6 times in a row.. and I think she said something a name or something alot in a row at one point. HOW ANNOYING.  I thought it was interesting they both weren't for gay marriage.. I thought obama was.. that's funny to me then how democrats are like I vote for obama cause he's more for gay marriage.. like hrm ok.  I'm not against gay marriage.. just was surprised that they both agreed on the same thing last night.  Which I thought they wouldn't. Caught me by surprise.. i'm also tired of that planned parenthood commerical.. bout h ow it is all Palin's fault  *least they make it look that way* that's dumb.. She isn't president right now.. I know i'm not all up on poltical stuff though I do try to watch the news most of the time.. but that just annoyed me.


Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 12:12 am
by Miteenice
Mommybruno wrote:My DH says that the voting should be for the VPs this year anyway - if McCain gets elected, he'll likely die in office. And if Obama gets elected, DH expects to see an assassination.

I've been saying the same thing for the past four weeks.  We better like the VP's we vote for.

Re: The Debate Tonight.......

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 12:32 am
by TraciL
The word that caught our ears was "Bush's"  it was something about how he kept saying it and kind of running it together like 'bushes' but really clipped.

Then I had to listen to DH repeat it for about an hour afterwards!

I got really distracted organizing scrapbook stuff for tomorrow and I kept finding myself going "what are they talking about?" - "what did she say?"

Did you ever see Best Little Whorehouse in Texas??????   It reminded me of a character from there - I think he was the Sherriff - he wore white - heavier dude.  There was a song about him not answering questions...

maybe I am dating myself -