That sense of entitlement
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 4:00 pm
I saw this on another board - thought it was good[tableo align="center" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" class="tborder fck__showtableborders" id="post2267851" width="100%"][/tableo][tbodyo][/tbodyo][tro][/tro][tdo class="alt1" id="td_post_2267851" style="border-right: #b5d3e1 1px solid"][/tdo]
By: Paul Marx
Owner of ' Louisiana Proud' KBON 101.1FM
NOTE: Just so this is not interpreted to be a 'racist' observation, let me make it clear that this writing refers to ALL races!!
What is going on? Why do some people feel that everyone else , including the government, owes them?? It seems that there are some people who think that is cases of emergencies they automatically become everyone else's responsibility and have none of their own? That needs to change!!
For Hurricane Gustave, I saw the vast majority of the people who were getting on evacuation buses, knowing there was a few hours of bus ride ahead of them, do so EMPTY HANDED! Not even a bottle of water for themselves or even their little children! They've had days to prepare, but they prepared nothing! How about a couple of sandwiches for the trip? No.
I watched the news and saw people complain about the place they had been evacuated to being 'filthy' with trash! Many of those complainers are sitting or lying on cots furnished to them. Well, I'm sure it's not the volunteer workers who dirtied the place. My advice is get off your asses and clean up!!
For one of the past hurricanes, I received a phone call at KBON 101.1FM radio from an evacuation center in Opelousas . Keep in mind, this center had several hundred evacuees housed there for their safety. Well, the caller explained to me that there was an 18 wheeler that arrived with water, meals and other supplies, and asked if I would announce that they needed volunteers to help unload the truck. I have to tell you, I lost it. 'You mean to tell me that you have hundreds of evacuees in that building and you want me to ask someone to leave their house and their family to come and unload THEIR truck?', I asked. Before the person could answer I recommended 'I'll tell you what to do. Go inside and tell them the truck is there and needs to be unloaded and that you need volunteers. If no one offers to help, you simply lock up the back of the 18 wheeler and tell it to go somewhere else where it will be more appreciated'.
I had another situation (I don't recall from where) that troubled me just as much. I recall this was a place with a couple hundred people. I received a call and was asked to announce that they needed volunteers to help serve meals. My advice again to that caller was to get some volunteers among the evacuees and if they refused, then simply don't serve food.
I am concerned that the day will come when we will have a lot of trouble finding anyone willing to open it's doors to the people who need to evacuate, and I cannot blame them if they choose to not make evacuees welcome. They have nothing to gain by doing so. People come into centers, halls, etc. and practically trash the place. They complain to the press about not being comfortable, the place being dirty, not liking the food, not getting water often enough, and more. Then they leave the place in filth!!
I am concerned that the day will come when people will not volunteer to leave their home and families to go and 'wait on' people who have absolutely no appreciation of them and what they are doing to help. Imagine volunteering to help someone out of the goodness of your heart and not only, not being appreciated, but being criticized for your service. Personally, I'd rather stay home with my fami ly thantogive my time to such ungrateful people and would not blame anyone for feeling the same way.
I saw on the news recently where the Red Cross was having problems getting donations to help the people hurricane Gustave victims in our area. Could it be that people around the country are seeing the 'whiners' and the 'unappreciative' and just don't feel like giving to such people, knowing it will not be appreciated? It's my belief that the American people are great, kindhearted and generous people, and are very willing to help people who are trying to help themselves but I think more & more of us Americans are feeling less & less generous to people who just don't appreciate it. It's important to know that no one owes you anything. It's important to know that people will help you a lot faster when they see you trying to help yourself.
I am concerned, and you should be too.
God bless America, God bless Louisiana and God bless you!
Paul Marx
KBON 101.1FM
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By: Paul Marx
Owner of ' Louisiana Proud' KBON 101.1FM
NOTE: Just so this is not interpreted to be a 'racist' observation, let me make it clear that this writing refers to ALL races!!
What is going on? Why do some people feel that everyone else , including the government, owes them?? It seems that there are some people who think that is cases of emergencies they automatically become everyone else's responsibility and have none of their own? That needs to change!!
For Hurricane Gustave, I saw the vast majority of the people who were getting on evacuation buses, knowing there was a few hours of bus ride ahead of them, do so EMPTY HANDED! Not even a bottle of water for themselves or even their little children! They've had days to prepare, but they prepared nothing! How about a couple of sandwiches for the trip? No.
I watched the news and saw people complain about the place they had been evacuated to being 'filthy' with trash! Many of those complainers are sitting or lying on cots furnished to them. Well, I'm sure it's not the volunteer workers who dirtied the place. My advice is get off your asses and clean up!!
For one of the past hurricanes, I received a phone call at KBON 101.1FM radio from an evacuation center in Opelousas . Keep in mind, this center had several hundred evacuees housed there for their safety. Well, the caller explained to me that there was an 18 wheeler that arrived with water, meals and other supplies, and asked if I would announce that they needed volunteers to help unload the truck. I have to tell you, I lost it. 'You mean to tell me that you have hundreds of evacuees in that building and you want me to ask someone to leave their house and their family to come and unload THEIR truck?', I asked. Before the person could answer I recommended 'I'll tell you what to do. Go inside and tell them the truck is there and needs to be unloaded and that you need volunteers. If no one offers to help, you simply lock up the back of the 18 wheeler and tell it to go somewhere else where it will be more appreciated'.
I had another situation (I don't recall from where) that troubled me just as much. I recall this was a place with a couple hundred people. I received a call and was asked to announce that they needed volunteers to help serve meals. My advice again to that caller was to get some volunteers among the evacuees and if they refused, then simply don't serve food.
I am concerned that the day will come when we will have a lot of trouble finding anyone willing to open it's doors to the people who need to evacuate, and I cannot blame them if they choose to not make evacuees welcome. They have nothing to gain by doing so. People come into centers, halls, etc. and practically trash the place. They complain to the press about not being comfortable, the place being dirty, not liking the food, not getting water often enough, and more. Then they leave the place in filth!!
I am concerned that the day will come when people will not volunteer to leave their home and families to go and 'wait on' people who have absolutely no appreciation of them and what they are doing to help. Imagine volunteering to help someone out of the goodness of your heart and not only, not being appreciated, but being criticized for your service. Personally, I'd rather stay home with my fami ly thantogive my time to such ungrateful people and would not blame anyone for feeling the same way.
I saw on the news recently where the Red Cross was having problems getting donations to help the people hurricane Gustave victims in our area. Could it be that people around the country are seeing the 'whiners' and the 'unappreciative' and just don't feel like giving to such people, knowing it will not be appreciated? It's my belief that the American people are great, kindhearted and generous people, and are very willing to help people who are trying to help themselves but I think more & more of us Americans are feeling less & less generous to people who just don't appreciate it. It's important to know that no one owes you anything. It's important to know that people will help you a lot faster when they see you trying to help yourself.
I am concerned, and you should be too.
God bless America, God bless Louisiana and God bless you!
Paul Marx
KBON 101.1FM
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