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Who caught Senator McCain's speech???

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:01 pm
 I thought it was the best speech he's ever given.  I was moved by his telling of his days as a POW, and I liked what he had to say as far as his plans if he's elected.  While it would have been nice to hear specifics (which I've yet to hear from either party), I believe with him and Palin in office we just might have something similiar to the Regan years where I remember everyone was so proud to be an American.  Not that we aren't proud now, but I remember back than feeling like WOW . .. I live in the best place on earth.  It's hard to explain, but I hope you know what I mean.  :)

Re: Who caught Senator McCain's speech???

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 9:15 am
by ArmyWife95

Palin ROCKS!! :-D

Re: Who caught Senator McCain's speech???

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 9:57 am
by Art_Teacher
 I know what you mean, Mindy.  I caught a part of his speech and he sounded and looked very good.  I would love to go back to the Reagan era!  (of course that would mean I was a teenager, too.  LOL!)

Re: Who caught Senator McCain's speech???

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:19 pm
by Miteenice
 Mindy, I absolute know what you mean.  I thought the same thing!  Listening to the speeches of McCain & Palin  brought such a feeling of warmth over me. They seem focused on America, something that has been lacking over the years.  I watched on CNN today the history of McCain and Obama.  I wanted to get a comparative of the two.  McCain's resilience and patriotism shined through. Obama just seemed hungry for personal achievement and power.  Obama demonstrates he can be charismatic, but really lacks the substance that comes from political battle scars.  McCain may not be perfect with his past and temperment, but he certainly came across as protective of our country and the little person's needs.

Re: Who caught Senator McCain's speech???

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:13 am
by No1Mommy
 I loved his speech as well as Palin's speech!!  I especially loved the part where Palin stated something like...."they speak of serving your country however, there is only one man on the presidential ticket that has served your country...."  This lady rocks!  I know what you mean, Mindy.... I am hoping for the same!

Re: Who caught Senator McCain's speech???

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:09 pm
 I watched something similar on Fox News yesterday, history of McCain and Obama and I thought the same thing about Obama.  He's definitely charming and charismatic, but presents an "it's all about me" attitude.  McCain, in my opinion, truly cares about America, it's people and it shows through loud and clear in his actions and words. 

Laura, I was a teenager too in the Regan years.  I graduated HS in 1985.  Wouldn't it be nice to go back to that time . . . both because the country was in such a great state and because we were so young!