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Cherry Cola

what to do in this situation
what do you think we as Americans should do about the lead in stuff from china? i say buy American. we need the jobs here.
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Cherry Crush

what to do in this situation
Americans need to buy American -- as much as possible.  It is very, very, very difficult to buy everything "Made in USA", very difficult.However, I do it as much as possible.Also, we, as Americans, should always remember that the Chinese workers and factories are not entirely to blame in this.  I think the vast majority of the blame falls on the companies that are supposed to oversee their operations.  I would like to see Matel and Fisher Price held accountable for their recent recalls.
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Cherry Crush

what to do in this situation
As a little side note . . .Many people say that Americans need to stop shopping at Walmart and dollar stores.  Get this:I spent $17 at Dollar Tree today and every single item I purchased was "Made in USA" -- every single thing.  I bought Halloween cards, word search books, glass cleaner, Thanksgiving paper plates, Thanksgiving Napkins and tape.  Everything was American.  I was giddy!Also, in my area, Walmart is the only place to get kitchen/travel plastics that are "Made in USA".  The ice cube trays, plastic bowls for kids, plastic cups, etc at Target are all "Made in China".  I found all that stuff at Walmart, proudly labeled "Made in USA".  So, as much as I hate Walmart, I'll shop where I can in order to purchase American products.
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Cherry Cola

what to do in this situation
that's good to know about the items you bought at the dollar tree.  I do shop there quite often, too.  I am getting to where I do not like to buy things from China.  I feel like they are not as good as things made here in America, or any other caountry that does not exploit its workers.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

what to do in this situation
It would be nice if more products displayed MADE IN AMERICA on their packaging.
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A Cherry on Top

what to do in this situation
There is also the problem that we can buy "made in America." but it might have been put togehter here but the parts were made somewhere else.
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Cherry Bing

what to do in this situation
Saw an article in USA Today the 1st week in October, that less than 30% (or something like that) of toys are made in the USA.  Said it was very difficult to find toys made in the USA.  Most toys made in the USA are the old fashioned wooden toys.  I'm all for Buying American, but just saying it's easier said than done.
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Cherry Blossom

what to do in this situation
Buy American.The lead's not the only thing I worry about, either.  I don't like the idea of patronizing a company that pays their workers next to no money and gives no benefits.  We wouldn't tolerate companies like that here, so why should we do business with them?
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Cherry Delight

what to do in this situation
Buy American - that's great in theory.  But it's pretty hard in practice.  And I'm just not sure I have the energy to look at every single thing I buy to figure out where it's made.  Sad, but true.
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Cherry Blossom

what to do in this situation
Koala, that's a good point.  We can have the best of intentions, but it's hard to know where big companies get their stuff.
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Cherry Tart

what to do in this situation
We also buy American as much as possible.  For toys, it's pretty difficult.   But for things in the hardware store, DH often finds things labeled "Made in America."  Often more expensive than the same product made outside the US, but he will always pay more to buy the USA made item. What gets me the most is food in local grocery stores.  Seriously  - you can't provide oranges from Florida or California for me to buy, yet you have them from Guatamala, or Costa RIca?   It's one thing if the items are no longer being made here (like most toys), but if you can buy American grown and distributed produce, why do you have to buy them outside the country?  Burns my hide.   
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Cherry Tart

what to do in this situation
We're buying Legos for the kids' Christmas presents. While they are manufactured in Europe, not the US, they are lead free.
aka PunchPrincess cause PP is too long
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Cherry Crush

what to do in this situation
My family is very much like Bonnie's.  We read everything and go out of our way to purchase items "Made in USA" -- even if the price is more.Bonnie, I've wondered the same thing about oranges and orange juice.  Makes no sense!  Another one that always bothered me was pineapples.  We have freakin' Hawaii for goodness sake!  Why did I have to purchase pineapples from Thailand or the Philipines?Get ready for the Chinese apples . . . I think they start importing those in 2008.  Such a shame.  I feel so bad for our country's farmers. 
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Scrap Goddess

Cherry Addict

what to do in this situation
Yes, but our Chinese food is from the us. Go figure!
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Cherry Cola

what to do in this situation
so true scrap goddess!!
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