Too sweet!!!CarrieG wrote:my FAVO RAK to do is..................once a week or so I go out to breakfast with my mom at a local dive diner (golly the food is GREAT there) and we often see older/elderly men eating alone...I always pick one and buy his breakfast for him....quite possibly he might just like to eat alone....but more likely he is *alone* for whatever lonely reason and it makes me sad. These gentlemen are always so shocked that someone would be nice to them...but they always walk away with a giddyup in their step and a big smile on their face
I'm loving all the RAK's!! I hope to be able to start doing some - I might have done some I'm sure but I can't think of any right now. I need to learn to be more giving of myself and time. But I do LOVE making little gifts to hand out at work and used to at school - I'd save up and have about $10 worth to buy about 2 or 3 bags of Hershey's kisses and mini bars, and i'd take 3-4 and wrap up in a piece of wrapping paper. i can remember sitting up late at night the night before the last day of school (i've been perfecting procrastination for YEARS!!!
) wrapping these little gifts and I just love the look on people's faces who never expect to get anything, who have 3 or 4 pieces of chocolate and a Christmas wish and a warm smile for the holidays, from me. I'm doing it again this year for work. (I looked at some fancy cardstock boxes you can make, but the old stand by of wrapping paper with tape works just as well and is much faster! lol)

Carolyn, mommy to Olivia (precocious preschooler) and Owen (rambunctious toddler).
2013 Page Totals: April - 3. May - 17. June - 25. July - 20. Aug - 20, 2 tags. Sept - 5. Oct - 13. Nov - 8. Dec - 14 LO, 2 projects, 1 card.
Year: 125, 1 card, 2 projects, 2 tags
2014 Page Totals: Jan - 15, 2 cards. Feb - 9, 1 project. Mar - 21 (I was busy!) (45 this year already)

My New Blog! Scrapper, Interrupted
2013 Page Totals: April - 3. May - 17. June - 25. July - 20. Aug - 20, 2 tags. Sept - 5. Oct - 13. Nov - 8. Dec - 14 LO, 2 projects, 1 card.
Year: 125, 1 card, 2 projects, 2 tags
2014 Page Totals: Jan - 15, 2 cards. Feb - 9, 1 project. Mar - 21 (I was busy!) (45 this year already)

My New Blog! Scrapper, Interrupted
RAKS can be such simple things.............<3
cajenkins81 wrote:I'm loving all the RAK's!! I hope to be able to start doing some - I might have done some I'm sure but I can't think of any right now. I need to learn to be more giving of myself and time. But I do LOVE making little gifts to hand out at work and used to at school - I'd save up and have about $10 worth to buy about 2 or 3 bags of Hershey's kisses and mini bars, and i'd take 3-4 and wrap up in a piece of wrapping paper. i can remember sitting up late at night the night before the last day of school (i've been perfecting procrastination for YEARS!!!) wrapping these little gifts and I just love the look on people's faces who never expect to get anything, who have 3 or 4 pieces of chocolate and a Christmas wish and a warm smile for the holidays, from me. I'm doing it again this year for work. (I looked at some fancy cardstock boxes you can make, but the old stand by of wrapping paper with tape works just as well and is much faster! lol)
I guess what disappoints me about Christmas is that when I give little gifts to all my in-laws, I do not expect anything in return. I tell them it is not necessary to reciprocate but they for the last 4-5 years give me grief for giving them something. I send cards for every occasion too. It is a joke in my husband's family about the cards. Where is their family or for that matter Christian spirit. I have been a part of his family for nearly 50 years but since my MIL died in 2005, his family has become Grinches. It is not like they need to buy me a gift in return or that they can't afford to if they chose. they just seem mean spirited.
oh well. Poot on them and Merry Christmas to all the nice kind people on this board.
oh well. Poot on them and Merry Christmas to all the nice kind people on this board.

Charleneanne wrote:I guess what disappoints me about Christmas is that when I give little gifts to all my in-laws, I do not expect anything in return. I tell them it is not necessary to reciprocate but they for the last 4-5 years give me grief for giving them something. I send cards for every occasion too. It is a joke in my husband's family about the cards. Where is their family or for that matter Christian spirit. I have been a part of his family for nearly 50 years but since my MIL died in 2005, his family has become Grinches. It is not like they need to buy me a gift in return or that they can't afford to if they chose. they just seem mean spirited.
oh well. Poot on them and Merry Christmas to all the nice kind people on this board.
Just the opposite has happened to me. Since my mil passed away, my dh's family have become nicer to me and even verbally express how much they appreciate me. No gifts, but that is fine with me.
Holiday Pet Peeves.......
Crazy drivers that cut you off even though there's no one else behind you and they could pull in there.
Nasty, mean store workers, cashiers, etc. I've had some of these lately and it was even at Archiver's! If you don't like your job, then quit!
Crazy drivers that cut you off even though there's no one else behind you and they could pull in there.
Nasty, mean store workers, cashiers, etc. I've had some of these lately and it was even at Archiver's! If you don't like your job, then quit!

Gimme Gimme, Want Want.
My step daughter (19) has sent lists of things she expects for Christmas. But has no intention of committing to any family activities for the holidays. She says her break from being away at college will be spent reconnecting with friends that she has not seen in a while. I know a big aprt of her attitude is her age, but it is still unexcuseable.
I agree with all of you who said there is a lack of recognition for good deeds. It bothers me too! I know that is not why they are done, but... when you do something nice for someone, you give them the opportunity to do something nice back. Even if it a just a smile, a "thank you", or a "Merry Christmas".
My step daughter (19) has sent lists of things she expects for Christmas. But has no intention of committing to any family activities for the holidays. She says her break from being away at college will be spent reconnecting with friends that she has not seen in a while. I know a big aprt of her attitude is her age, but it is still unexcuseable.
I agree with all of you who said there is a lack of recognition for good deeds. It bothers me too! I know that is not why they are done, but... when you do something nice for someone, you give them the opportunity to do something nice back. Even if it a just a smile, a "thank you", or a "Merry Christmas".
arrrrrrrrrrrg I feel for you! we have rules for our college girl when she is home on a break--she gets ONE day to wrangle her old friends together for a get together or activity...the rest is with the family.......her old friends don't pay her bills...we do..LOL
MacSarah wrote:Gimme Gimme, Want Want.
My step daughter (19) has sent lists of things she expects for Christmas. But has no intention of committing to any family activities for the holidays. She says her break from being away at college will be spent reconnecting with friends that she has not seen in a while. I know a big aprt of her attitude is her age, but it is still unexcuseable.
I agree with all of you who said there is a lack of recognition for good deeds. It bothers me too! I know that is not why they are done, but... when you do something nice for someone, you give them the opportunity to do something nice back. Even if it a just a smile, a "thank you", or a "Merry Christmas".
I would rather do for STRANGERS than ungrateful family...........I roll
Charleneanne wrote:I guess what disappoints me about Christmas is that when I give little gifts to all my in-laws, I do not expect anything in return. I tell them it is not necessary to reciprocate but they for the last 4-5 years give me grief for giving them something. I send cards for every occasion too. It is a joke in my husband's family about the cards. Where is their family or for that matter Christian spirit. I have been a part of his family for nearly 50 years but since my MIL died in 2005, his family has become Grinches. It is not like they need to buy me a gift in return or that they can't afford to if they chose. they just seem mean spirited.
oh well. Poot on them and Merry Christmas to all the nice kind people on this board.
oh good gravy had a nasty, abrupt and rude cashier at Kohl's the other day.....and I told her that she sucked..LOL
Deanna13 wrote:Holiday Pet Peeves.......
Crazy drivers that cut you off even though there's no one else behind you and they could pull in there.
Nasty, mean store workers, cashiers, etc. I've had some of these lately and it was even at Archiver's! If you don't like your job, then quit!
I have the same situation here. My family is spread out, all of us within a a few hours drive from each other. Every Christmas we try to get together. Usually its not on Christmas but the weekend before or maybe it is on Christmas if its on the weekend. We drew names for several years then as the kids got older we started doing a white elephant type gift exchange. the last 3 or 4 years my SIL(my brothers wife) bitches about it. She doesn't want to do a gift exchange, ect....Well HER side of the family does a name drawing gift exchange every year, THEY have their family style Christmas on Christmas eve no matter what. This year we aren't getting together at all because she decided that they weren't going to drive anywhere this year. We rotate yearly. So my Pet Peeve would be scroogy in-laws. Yes, it's not about the gifts but good grief, a $10 or less white elephant gift is a problem when you do a $35 limit on your name draw with your side of the family? So this Christmas, we are not getting together. Holidays are stressful! I need to find a RAK to give so I can feel more in the spirit!Charleneanne wrote:I guess what disappoints me about Christmas is that when I give little gifts to all my in-laws, I do not expect anything in return. I tell them it is not necessary to reciprocate but they for the last 4-5 years give me grief for giving them something. I send cards for every occasion too. It is a joke in my husband's family about the cards. Where is their family or for that matter Christian spirit. I have been a part of his family for nearly 50 years but since my MIL died in 2005, his family has become Grinches. It is not like they need to buy me a gift in return or that they can't afford to if they chose. they just seem mean spirited.
oh well. Poot on them and Merry Christmas to all the nice kind people on this board.

Sometimes we need to think about who else sees and hears these RAK's of kind words and "Merry Christmases". You know, maybe some one next to you will see the rude answer and think about it and they might change their attitudes. Also, I'm thinking of being nice to others in front of my kids--they see all, lol.

cajenkins81 wrote:I'm loving all the RAK's!! I hope to be able to start doing some - I might have done some I'm sure but I can't think of any right now. I need to learn to be more giving of myself and time. But I do LOVE making little gifts to hand out at work and used to at school - I'd save up and have about $10 worth to buy about 2 or 3 bags of Hershey's kisses and mini bars, and i'd take 3-4 and wrap up in a piece of wrapping paper. i can remember sitting up late at night the night before the last day of school (i've been perfecting procrastination for YEARS!!!) wrapping these little gifts and I just love the look on people's faces who never expect to get anything, who have 3 or 4 pieces of chocolate and a Christmas wish and a warm smile for the holidays, from me. I'm doing it again this year for work. (I looked at some fancy cardstock boxes you can make, but the old stand by of wrapping paper with tape works just as well and is much faster! lol)
A side note: a cute way to package up some Hershey Kisses or other small candies is to put them in little zipper top bags (I get mine in the cake decorating part of HL), and make a little paper topper!

Tanya--do you have a nursing home in your town????????? your family doesn't want to get together??????? so be it....find some new ppl do be kind to........and let me tell you......the ppl in nursing homes need love this time of year especially...make some cards for them or will feel BLESSED! 

gonecamping wrote:I have the same situation here. My family is spread out, all of us within a a few hours drive from each other. Every Christmas we try to get together. Usually its not on Christmas but the weekend before or maybe it is on Christmas if its on the weekend. We drew names for several years then as the kids got older we started doing a white elephant type gift exchange. the last 3 or 4 years my SIL(my brothers wife) bitches about it. She doesn't want to do a gift exchange, ect....Well HER side of the family does a name drawing gift exchange every year, THEY have their family style Christmas on Christmas eve no matter what. This year we aren't getting together at all because she decided that they weren't going to drive anywhere this year. We rotate yearly. So my Pet Peeve would be scroogy in-laws. Yes, it's not about the gifts but good grief, a $10 or less white elephant gift is a problem when you do a $35 limit on your name draw with your side of the family? So this Christmas, we are not getting together. Holidays are stressful! I need to find a RAK to give so I can feel more in the spirit!Charleneanne wrote:I guess what disappoints me about Christmas is that when I give little gifts to all my in-laws, I do not expect anything in return. I tell them it is not necessary to reciprocate but they for the last 4-5 years give me grief for giving them something. I send cards for every occasion too. It is a joke in my husband's family about the cards. Where is their family or for that matter Christian spirit. I have been a part of his family for nearly 50 years but since my MIL died in 2005, his family has become Grinches. It is not like they need to buy me a gift in return or that they can't afford to if they chose. they just seem mean spirited.
oh well. Poot on them and Merry Christmas to all the nice kind people on this board.
Hmm...the only one I can think of, of the top of my head, didn't used to be one of my pet peeves. But now that I host our family's Christmas, my pet peeve is family members that want to arrive early and be entertained! It never occurs to them that you might be busy getting the house and yourself ready to host the whole family! Duh!

CarrieG wrote:Tanya--do you have a nursing home in your town????????? your family doesn't want to get together??????? so be it....find some new ppl do be kind to........and let me tell you......the ppl in nursing homes need love this time of year especially...make some cards for them or will feel BLESSED!
gonecamping wrote:I have the same situation here. My family is spread out, all of us within a a few hours drive from each other. Every Christmas we try to get together. Usually its not on Christmas but the weekend before or maybe it is on Christmas if its on the weekend. We drew names for several years then as the kids got older we started doing a white elephant type gift exchange. the last 3 or 4 years my SIL(my brothers wife) bitches about it. She doesn't want to do a gift exchange, ect....Well HER side of the family does a name drawing gift exchange every year, THEY have their family style Christmas on Christmas eve no matter what. This year we aren't getting together at all because she decided that they weren't going to drive anywhere this year. We rotate yearly. So my Pet Peeve would be scroogy in-laws. Yes, it's not about the gifts but good grief, a $10 or less white elephant gift is a problem when you do a $35 limit on your name draw with your side of the family? So this Christmas, we are not getting together. Holidays are stressful! I need to find a RAK to give so I can feel more in the spirit!Charleneanne wrote:I guess what disappoints me about Christmas is that when I give little gifts to all my in-laws, I do not expect anything in return. I tell them it is not necessary to reciprocate but they for the last 4-5 years give me grief for giving them something. I send cards for every occasion too. It is a joke in my husband's family about the cards. Where is their family or for that matter Christian spirit. I have been a part of his family for nearly 50 years but since my MIL died in 2005, his family has become Grinches. It is not like they need to buy me a gift in return or that they can't afford to if they chose. they just seem mean spirited.
oh well. Poot on them and Merry Christmas to all the nice kind people on this board.
I LOVE LOVE this idea! Make a blanket, make some cards, so sing Christmas carols to them. Such a blessing.
Carolyn, mommy to Olivia (precocious preschooler) and Owen (rambunctious toddler).
2013 Page Totals: April - 3. May - 17. June - 25. July - 20. Aug - 20, 2 tags. Sept - 5. Oct - 13. Nov - 8. Dec - 14 LO, 2 projects, 1 card.
Year: 125, 1 card, 2 projects, 2 tags
2014 Page Totals: Jan - 15, 2 cards. Feb - 9, 1 project. Mar - 21 (I was busy!) (45 this year already)

My New Blog! Scrapper, Interrupted
2013 Page Totals: April - 3. May - 17. June - 25. July - 20. Aug - 20, 2 tags. Sept - 5. Oct - 13. Nov - 8. Dec - 14 LO, 2 projects, 1 card.
Year: 125, 1 card, 2 projects, 2 tags
2014 Page Totals: Jan - 15, 2 cards. Feb - 9, 1 project. Mar - 21 (I was busy!) (45 this year already)

My New Blog! Scrapper, Interrupted
My holiday pet peeve are the commercials that air at this time of year telling us all the things we have to buy in order to have a very merry Christmas! I realize we're bombarded with marketing and commercialism all year long but it seems everything is just over the top in December.
Speaking of commercials... Many of them are bringing tears to my eyes! The one for Folger's where the gramma is talking to the baby particularly makes me sniffle. I get peeved at myself for being so emotional.citygirl22 wrote:My holiday pet peeve are the commercials that air at this time of year telling us all the things we have to buy in order to have a very merry Christmas! I realize we're bombarded with marketing and commercialism all year long but it seems everything is just over the top in December.
citygirl22 wrote:My holiday pet peeve are the commercials that air at this time of year telling us all the things we have to buy in order to have a very merry Christmas! I realize we're bombarded with marketing and commercialism all year long but it seems everything is just over the top in December.
I hate the commercialization of the season. This is why my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. Because you get the family together and have a big meal, but you just get to be thankful and not worry about spending money on gifts you feel obligated to buy for certain people. I love giving gifts sometimes, but I hate when we all agree that we're not gonna spend money this year on adults (in the years we have done this), just for the kids, and everyone agrees, so we only show up with gifts for the kids, but then they get us stuff too. I mean, I like receiving the gifts and they have the ability to buy extra and dote on us, but then it just makes me feel crappy that I couldn't get them something. I hate the feeling of expectations. That's me. I'm trying not to complain tho, because we have been extremely blessed this year - after having an awful and crappy summer- so we'll be able to spend a little to make little gifts for coworkers or buy a tablet I've been wanting forever. but I just hate the expectations and the commercialism of the season.
Carolyn, mommy to Olivia (precocious preschooler) and Owen (rambunctious toddler).
2013 Page Totals: April - 3. May - 17. June - 25. July - 20. Aug - 20, 2 tags. Sept - 5. Oct - 13. Nov - 8. Dec - 14 LO, 2 projects, 1 card.
Year: 125, 1 card, 2 projects, 2 tags
2014 Page Totals: Jan - 15, 2 cards. Feb - 9, 1 project. Mar - 21 (I was busy!) (45 this year already)

My New Blog! Scrapper, Interrupted
2013 Page Totals: April - 3. May - 17. June - 25. July - 20. Aug - 20, 2 tags. Sept - 5. Oct - 13. Nov - 8. Dec - 14 LO, 2 projects, 1 card.
Year: 125, 1 card, 2 projects, 2 tags
2014 Page Totals: Jan - 15, 2 cards. Feb - 9, 1 project. Mar - 21 (I was busy!) (45 this year already)

My New Blog! Scrapper, Interrupted