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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Feeling a little annoyed...
blbabe1234 wrote:
Retiree3 wrote:I totally agree with all of you ladies. I too have been around guns all of my life. Guns don't pull the trigger- people do. If a person wants to do harm to someone, they will find a way.

Most definetly. I mean, someone can harm/kill somebody with their own bare hands. They don't necessarily need a gun.

Like the car keys, there goes our hands too.
Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Feeling a little annoyed...
I am a firm believer in there are many things I personally am for or against that the gov't does not need to stick it's two cents into.

Guns are one of them. It has worked the way it was for over 200 years - let it alone. Balance the budget you morons in Washington - fix things that you broke, and let us alone. As far as the guns are concerned? I feel that people who don't want guns will always be against them, and people who want them will always have a way to get them. They should be registered, and nothing more - no discussions. The problem with Sandy Hook wasn't the guns. It was an idiot mother who had blinders on against a son that had issues and instead of taking him while he was still under 18 to work with the kid, she took him to a firing range because that's what SHE liked to do. Parenting is horrible in this country anymore.

Same with abortion. I'm definitely a pro-lifer for MYSELF. I would not ever have an abortion. But that's me. It is NOT my right to tell anyone else what to do with her body. That's for a higher authority on another day. The gov't can bow out of this as well.

Same with drugs. Make them all legal. The kids still are getting them, the only thing is people are getting killed trying to get them. And if they die while using them? Not my problem - they know the consequences. But with drugs, AND I think alcohol as well - if you have an accident and you injure yourself or anyone else? It's up to the insurance companies to pay or not to pay. If they choose not to pay - you know what you'll be doing and working for the rest of your life. I think we'd see a lot less drug users and Driving under the influence if the person knew they'd have to pay for bodily injuries caused to another person.

I'm now getting away from the podium.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Feeling a little annoyed...
cherrycupcake wrote:I am a firm believer in there are many things I personally am for or against that the gov't does not need to stick it's two cents into.

Guns are one of them. It has worked the way it was for over 200 years - let it alone. Balance the budget you morons in Washington - fix things that you broke, and let us alone. As far as the guns are concerned? I feel that people who don't want guns will always be against them, and people who want them will always have a way to get them. They should be registered, and nothing more - no discussions. The problem with Sandy Hook wasn't the guns. It was an idiot mother who had blinders on against a son that had issues and instead of taking him while he was still under 18 to work with the kid, she took him to a firing range because that's what SHE liked to do. Parenting is horrible in this country anymore.

Same with abortion. I'm definitely a pro-lifer for MYSELF. I would not ever have an abortion. But that's me. It is NOT my right to tell anyone else what to do with her body. That's for a higher authority on another day. The gov't can bow out of this as well.

Same with drugs. Make them all legal. The kids still are getting them, the only thing is people are getting killed trying to get them. And if they die while using them? Not my problem - they know the consequences. But with drugs, AND I think alcohol as well - if you have an accident and you injure yourself or anyone else? It's up to the insurance companies to pay or not to pay. If they choose not to pay - you know what you'll be doing and working for the rest of your life. I think we'd see a lot less drug users and Driving under the influence if the person knew they'd have to pay for bodily injuries caused to another person.

I'm now getting away from the podium.
You're making definite brownie points with me! I agree with all that you said. The Gov't doesn't need to babysit us. In some cities and states we are banned to so many ounces of soda we are allowed to consume and even the salt on the table is being pulled. That's pretty sad.
Kari ----- "Women with whips, 82% more likely to get what they want."

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Feeling a little annoyed...
Kari - I think the more regulations they make the more trouble we get into. Look at what they did with schools. I'm not FOR beating kids with paddles or injuring anyone, but now if the teacher stares at a kid crosseyed, their parents are there hollering discrimination, sexual abuse, whatever they want to say and the teacher is the one fired, most of the time for no reason. I know if I got into trouble at school, the problem would be with my parents, nothing the teachers could do would be nearly as bad as what Mom and Dad would do.

No one wants responsibility for anything anymore, unless they are making laws in the gov't. Glad I'm not bringing kids into the world these days - because it isn't going to be pretty by the time they are grown. I agree with you - I'm not a Socialist either - and I vote by what the candidate says, not what his party is. I like to think I have a brain.
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