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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: america
FurBaby_Mom wrote: I am relieved (and thrilled) and wish Obama (and cabinet) lots of luck.
(pictured emailed to me by someone on here ;)....STILL cracks me up)

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: america
FurBaby_Mom wrote: Speaking of uninformed voters.... :grayconfused:

Girl,,you couldn't have said it better.. I wish people would get the facts correct before running off at the mouth :x
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Cherry Cropper

Re: america
 Hey look, finally something we all agree on! LOL
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: america
 AMEN Sus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  but I wanted to add whether your were for Obama or McCain just rmemebr this the PEOPLE of this beautiful country voted and Obama won, so I think WE should ALL give him the chance to prove himself....that's all..... :-D
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Chatty Cherry

Re: america
 what if...maybe....just maybe.....he pulls it off? what if things turn around and goes better?  what if he proves himself?  instead of concentrating on the negative, let's see if he can prove himself in your eyes.  nothing will change right now as he'll be president for 4 years but what if good things will come to those who wait? what if he is the change this country needs? what if he makes a difference?  there are so many potential outcomes.  i say we give him a chance (like anyone really has a choice anyway lol) and embrace him and just see what will happen.  you've got nothing to lose because voicing your opinion now won't change the election.  if i waited out the last 8 years and it sucked maybe the next 4 years won't be so bad? maybe it will for those who suffered the last 8 years? my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Cherry Bing

Re: america
nene wrote: WTF! WOW!
2 ignorant people added to my ignore list in one day.

Sherry---Please remember what you feel President Elect Obama stands for when he offers you anything. Please turn it down and give it to someone who educates themselves to truth and doesn't believe everything they hear in soundbites.

Everyone on here is entitled to their own opinion, and what I said is my opinion.  I am hoping he will step up and make some changes.  As far as what is quoted above, "Please remember what you feel...."--- he won't be offering me anything.  We work, work hard, pay our own way 100%.  I don't have my hand out nor will I.   As far as the soundbites comment- well, I watch news programs (Fox, CNN, HNN etc.) and have heard Reverend Wright spew his hatred against this country- those are not soundbites.  You cannot ignore the fact that this guy is close to Obama.

But, as I said, and I do believe, everyone has a right to think what they want, time will tell if I am right or wrong.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: america
 I just want America to be okay.  While I definitely do not agree with all the policies that Obama wants to implement, I am relying on what the Bible says in 1st Timothy.  God commands us to pray for our leaders.  We should do that.  Whether we agree with them OR NOT. 

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