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Cherry Berry

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
You all know I'm pretty liberal (except on moral issues but in those I believe in sepapration of church & state).  I am also very politically active having even run a state presidential campaign.  I am getting so worried about the Democratic primaries and what the impact will be for all of us. Hillary Clinton appears unstoppable and while she grabs the stage we are asleep.  Why we celebrate the holidays the election will be decided.  I wish anyone with liberal leanings would wake up.  She was a Republican for years (which most people don't know).  Her presidency will bring more of the same strife that has kept real legislation from being enacted.  She is a hawk and won't get us out of Iraq.  She is in the pockets of way too many corporations.  She may say she is against trade agreements like NAFTA but her history shows she is very much in favor of "free trade practices".  I think she might be able to overcome a challenger (because of the political machine she and her husband have built) but what will we achieve in the end? I have not chosen any particular candidate.  Biden has great foreign relashions experience but he was caught in plagerism.  Edwards and Kusinich are way to liberal to draw enough indies to win.  Bill Richards is very qualified but has the charisma of a rock.  I love Gravel but again he's not electable and Obama though I love his message is not getting it done.  Chris Dodd has great experience like Biden and Richards and may be the most electable but who knows.  I just don't want 8 years of Hil. 
God bless
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
I not only have concerns about Hilllary but some about Osama as well.  
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Cherry Jubilee

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
Glo, did you mean Obama?
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
Think there was a slip up there?
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Cherry Addict

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
   So do your concerns have anything at all to do with his stands on actual issues, or are they more focused on things like his name?
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Cherry Tart

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
Hi,I'm a newbie, and regular on Two Peas.  But I found you have a WHOLE board for debates, and I'm in HEAVEN!  LOL!  So feel free to slap me and tell me to STHU when you are sick of me.  Anyway, I'd classify myself as a moderate Democrat.  If the GOP was like it was in the past, I'd be considered a Goldwater Republican.  I thought Bill Clinton made some mistakes, mostly in his personal life, but agreed with his welfare reform, unlike some other liberals who didn't like it.  I actually would love to see more than two major parties have a shot at the Presidency, but roll my eyes at Nader.    I truly believe that Karl Rove is sitting in his office somewhere and tapping his fingers together a la Mister Burns and whispering "Excellent" over HIllary's polling. I believe her being the nominee will bring people out in DROVES, who haven't voted in 15-20 years, because they can't stand the thought of her possibly being President.    Honestly, if Chuck Hagel were to run, I'd probably vote for him.  I am very fiscally conservative, and more socially moderate/liberal.  But I strongly believe in the separation of church and state.  I am a regular church-going Christian, who teaches Sunday School and teachesmy kids that God created the universe by the process of evolution. There isn't one candidate I absolutely love.  I wish I could take parts of them and make my own candidate.   Anyway, I'm sure you'll see more of me now that I found this place.  Goodnight!
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Cherry Crush

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
I'm voting for Stephen Colbert.
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Cherry Crush

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
Hey, Bonnie . . . I talk like a sailor.  Is it OK if I tell you to STFU rather than STHU?    Welcome!  We're actually a very good group of  debaters over here!Bonnie said I believe her being the nominee will bring people out in DROVES, who haven't voted in 15-20 years, because they can't stand the thought of her possibly being President.    I absolutely believe that as well.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
Names don't mean diddly. 

I want to see someone in the White House who can do something about things.    

I also believe that they should be patriotic and show it. I believe that there are very good people out there who would be wonderful at the job - but because of the lack of funding will never have a chance to make it to the White House. 

The other thing that bothers me is that so many will say, "When I am president I WILL ... (fill in the blank)"    But they aren't able to because they really do not have control enough to get some things done.  (But I an not saying they shoudl have absolute power!)    

It does seem that all too often that Congress will vote along party lines, no matter how a certain bill would benefit.    

And then there are these little bits and pieces tucked into certain bills - that if a bill is to go through there will be a clause that allows something totally unconnected to it to happen. 

I just don't get it. 

It also surprises me that as I age I am getting much more liberal - about some things.   
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Cherry Addict

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
Well if names don't mean diddly, why take the cheap shot with the whole "Osama/Obama" thing? I don't think Hillary should be the Democratic nominee, and to me, whether she'd be a good president or not is irrelavant.  Unfortunately, she is such a polarizing figure that no matter who the Republican candidate is, many people would vote Republican just to vote AGAINST Hillary.  I was watching the Republican debate on FoxNews a week or two ago (<shudder>) and something really struck me.   As the candidates talked about their views or goals on certain topics, there was not much response from the audience.  However, when the conversation turned to bashing Hillary Clinton, the crowd went wild.  I was disgusted....and not because I am for Hillary.  (I'm not.)  The thing that made me sick was, this is the PRIMARY.  You're supposed to be focused on the people from the party you identify with in terms of whether or not they'd make a good nominee.  People say they don't like smear politics, but the response of the crowd showed otherwise.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
The original post was a typo on my part.    I didn't fix it because I do have concerns about a muslim in the White House. 

I know I shouldn't - but I do because so many put their religion before anything else.   (In most cases, I do believe in living out your beliefs is a good thing - but not always.   And that goes for all who make their religion political)       

I am concerned that there would be too many who would wonder where he stands with our fight against terrorism.    Does he believe in putting the good of the American people ahead of everything else?   

I am not saying he is a fanatical muslim.    I just have concerns about how he blances it. 

You probably haven't read about the issues concerning John Kennedy running for president because he was catholic.   I was a child but I remember hearing about it - that the country wasn't ready for a catholic in the White House.    

Unfortunately, Amy, too many times in the last few elections I believe that it has been a case of voting for the lessor evil rather than voting FOR someone.     It's just the feeling I get. 

I don't know how to fix that  - other than some election reform where each candidate is only allowed a certain amount of money for campaigning.   And the campainging shouldn't be starting 18 months before the actual elections!   

I so strongly believe that the candidates with the most money are the people who stand out in front.   And that money can come from so many sources.    It almost feels like the elections are bought. 

I took a little quiz on where I stand with things in relation to the (Current) candidates and I was surprised at what candidate I most agreed with . Interesting (as to who I do most agree with- wasn't who I thought)
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Cherry Tart

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
LOL!  Absolutely, Laura.  ;-)I tend to have a potty mouth when my kids aren't around.  Especially about politics.  I also agree that it is INSANE how much money it costs to run a campaign, and feel that we are truly missing out on seeing America's great  future leaders because of the cost.   I'd love to see true limits in place, and politicians actually having to win peoples votes by speaking to them and a few debates.  Ads just shouldn't be allowed at all, IMO.  ;-)I personally really like Hillary.  I think I'd love to show my three daughters a woman can be President of the US.  However, I just don't think SHE is the best woman for the job at this point in history.   And I say that because whomever is voted in, will have a HUGE mess to clean up, around the globe.  And anything she does will be critiqued as her "being a woman."  As in, "we voted for a woman, and look at the mess we're still in. "  "We voted for a woman and she didn't fill in the blank."   I'm just afraid she will be facing such huge global hurdles, that she will cause women nominees for the next two decades to not have a chance.  KWIM?  I'd rather her run and a woman be voted in, after we are a little more on track.  Not in the midst of such a mess that people could unfairly blame it on her simply being a woman.   I think unless she is elected and miraculously turns the globe into a Utopia of peace and goodwill, I think everything will be blamed on her being a woman and it's going to set female nominees back.    I'd rather a man be voted in now, and be blamed on not being able to change things overnight.  Let a woman wait until things are a little more stable, IMO We need a woman with less baggage, less divisiveness and IMO, AFTER the Dems are already in the House.  I definitely think she will cost the Dems the White House if she is on the ballot.   I hope I am wrong, but would feel a lot more comfortable having a less divisive figure for the nominee.   Many polls are LIKELY voters.  Or registered voters who regulary vote.    But we have about a 50% voter rate for President.   So you can hope the remaining 50% are single females want to see a woman President and come out in droves, or you can hope many of the very conservative voters who haven't voted since Reagan was in office, and feel very negative about politicians in general, don't come out.  If she is on the ballot, I think we'll see a higher voter turnout than we have in many, many years.  However, I don't think it's going to be in her favor, but votes against her. That said, at this point, I'd probably vote for her over Guiliani.  Or I may very well vote for a member of the  Independent or Libertarian party, depending on who runs.   And I also would really like to see Bill Richardson moving up in the polls.  I think we need someone who can carry some of the Western states.   And he has a lot of the world leader experience I think is missing from Obama and Edwards.
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Cherry Tart

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
BTW,  I took that quiz earlier and my top ones were a tie between Obama and Hillary, who neither I am too excited about on the top of the ballot.    Dead last for me was Fred Thompson.  (NO big surprise there).   However, I still disagree with quite a bit of things from Obama and Hillary.  Like I said, I don't think my "perfect" candidate exists.  I'm just going to be voting on who I agree with on more things. 
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Cherry Addict

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
In the quiz, mine came up John Edwards, whom I do like.  2nd place tie was Obama and Clinton.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
What role do you think that Bill would play if Hillary is elected?
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Cherry Addict

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
Honestly?  I seriously doubt he would be that involved in the major decisions.   I think he would continue the "elder statesman" kind of role he's been developing for himeself.    Maybe he could give her advice, but any spouse would do that.
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Cherry Tart

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
If she were elected, I'd hope he'd be going around the globe being a Good Will Ambassador.  ;-)  The rest of the world loves him!  ;-)  I think we could use him best by showing other countries we aren't a Wild West Show anymore.   Even if she weren't elected, I'd still like to see him in a global role, fixing ties around the globe. 
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Cherry Cola

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
I can't believe my friends aren't voting for me for guys suck! Jr
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Cherry Bomb

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
Jr -I have to do those "mail-in" ballots ......but since I can't seem to get the state of TX to get my voter's registration finalized (even tho it was just fine for the 2004 elections!) you may be the ONLY candidate I CAN vote for!!!!

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Cherry Blossom

Concerns about Hillary (for Dems or more liberal indies)
Hi everyone-I'm also a refugee from 2Peas.  In terms of my own ideology, I agree with Bonnie on most things, but I'm probably a little more liberal even than she is.I agree with those that said that Hillary as the candidate will bring Rs to the polls in mobs to vote for anything un-her.  I like many of her views, but there's something about her that pisses me off a little, too.  I can't quite put my finger on it.Personally, I like Edwards.  But, I know that's a pipe dream at this point.
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