This has been a stressful day! This morning at about 11, Larry (DH) called to let me know he wouldn't be at the ranch until possibly later, or tomorrow. He apparently took the bull by the horns and dragged I'm sure with much complaint on Lynn's (DD) part off to a Gastroenterologist. He was calling me from the hospital as she was going in for tests. The last call two hours ago saying pack and come home. It's over 100, dangerous to do the physical work I have to do to make it easier for my neighbors to care for the cattle in the pens. I need to be there, and the stress right now mentally will not help working in 100+ temps. So I'm waiting until 6pm to do the work then 3 1/2 hours to the house with three dogs in tow. Then to which ever hospital she will go to. I told Larry under no circumstances was she to go into Brazosport or Angleton/Danbury. Mom is the Physican Assistant in the family and she I last heard was contacting a Gastroenterologist near her. The hospitals are better on her side of Houston. She has an inflamed Gall Bladder. So please keep her in your prayers this evening. I think we are looking at surgery from what Larry was saying.
Oh, my! Be careful in that heat and make sure you have plenty of water and a hat! Take care of yourself first, so you can take care of DD! Hugs and prayers for you and for her!
