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Cherry Bomb

if you have a chance
I could use a few extra prayers...can't really go into detail. its not life threatening but just going through a tough patch right now...i'm sure its nothing a few prayers can't fix:-)thanks guys
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Cherry Bomb

if you have a chance
this is going to sound so stupid...i've been wanting to post for a few days asking for some extra good thoughts, but my problems are so little compared to what alot of people are going through....but i posted just the 10 minutes since i posted, its like someone was listening...already there is a little ray of sunshine....just alittle, enough for me to keep "truckin" along:-)
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Cherry Jubilee

if you have a chance
So sorry that you're going through a rough time but I'm happy you're seeing some light already. Think positive & good luck! I'll be thinking of you.
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