Just need a little public opinion. When you hear or see the word GREEN what is your first thought.
i chose color because using the term "green" for the environment is something heard more recently. It also depends on the way the word is used, in some context I automatically understand it as meaning the environment. HTH
Nope, I hear green and I think environment-but I'm a quacky Northwesterner...so it's our blood! LOL@Jr
Bad food in the fridge.. LOLNope, I think of "going green" as in the environment. Or buggers.
I think of the color. But living in Marin my second though automatically is environment...
- Shannon
I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball
I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball
When I read green....my first thought was grass....and that's part of the enviroment....so I voted "enviroment".
I chose color because the term of "going green" in my opinion is just crazy. For years we could have been doing so much for the environment and now since someone coined a new phrase... people then seem to think its important! Plus "going green" doesn't make since b/c all we are doing it tearing down the trees. Just because we save energy doesn't make anything Green!Sorry I'm a tab upset about environmental issues!