I just found out that a guy I went to school with, Ryan Murphy is the writer for Nip Tuck. I remember Choir days with him.....what a hoot.
I am SO bummed!!!!Eden shoots Julia...doubt they kill her off though (wishful thinking)I think there is going to be another freaky appearance by McNamara's "agent" lunatic...Christian will have some tragic event...not sure what though
pahaha "wishful thinking" pahahaha I detest that woman.I'm bummed it's over. I just love me some McNamara and Troy!
Bummer I can never watch it since they switched to 8:00 pm on Tuesday's. Hopefully I'll get to watch the re-run on Sunday.
Darn, I'm in the loss. The last time I was able to even see what was going on. When I can find it, was I think Christan asked some chick to marry him. And the other dude - can't think of his name, what getting separated - again from the blonde lady that he though was having an affair with the little person nanny - how far behind am I?
WAY far Colleen!!!Being a fairly new N/T fan, this was my first season finale! WOW! They really packed the action in!!!!!!!!!!How come no one has locked up the agent for the breach of the restraining order? (when she was on the Hearts/scalples set)?
HOLY MOSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I did NOT see that one coming!!!!!