I'm having one of those days where things are just piling up one after the other and my frustration level is through the roof! I figure if I get it all out to you Cherries, I'll feel better.
First, for those that didn't know, I went back to college last summer. I've been doing really well . . . all A's. Until this semester. I just got my latest test scores back for the two classes I'm taking and I got a C- on each of them. One of those C- grades was actually only one more wrong answer away from a D. I was flabbergasted by this because I've gotten A's on all my homework assignments, project, and quizzes. So, I figure I'm not as focused since I'm working full time.
So, I talked to my boss and told him that I had to stop the full time schedule and I needed to be put back down to 20 hours or less. At first, all was good. He said it was no problem whatsoever, he'll work around whatever I need, blah, blah, blah. Fast forward to this evening when he calls to tell me that he talked it over with the other partners and, while they will accommodate my need for part time hours, there will be some changes. First, my pay will drop. Now, I'm not working for the money exactly. It's definitely great to have, but I mostly went back for the experience. But, I have to admit that this is really starting to anger me. After sharing that information with me, he then tells me that since I won't be available as much as I have been the last several months, I'm being moved off of my current case. (I'm a Paralegal, for those that don't know.) This hurts. Pretty bad. I've been working my backside off on this case from the research, to the depositions, to the interviews. That file is my "baby". That's all of my work and it's more than 75% complete. And now, I'm just out. Someone else is going to step in and finish it up, but probably get credit for the whole freakin' thing. I'm pretty angry about that. I'm trying to stay calm and breathe through it all.
On top of all that, my body has decided that I've spent enough time in the premenopausal end of the pool and it's time to be thrown into the full menopausal end of the pool. Holy Hannah . . . my hair is coming out at a pace I'm not used to, the hot flashes are sometimes relentless, the insomnia is worse than ever, and the mood swings are absolutely terrible. Yesterday, I took a load of laundry out of the dryer and I actually burst into tears because I remembered I forgot the fabric softener. This whole experience is just weird to me. I know that I'm going to be 50 this year and this is to be expected, but I feel 25 years old . . . 10 - 12 years old on good days.
I'm doing my very best to stay upbeat and know that this too shall pass, but some days that's a hard thing to do.
Thanks for letting me vent. <3 you Cherries.
EDITED TO CLARIFY -- When I said they dropped my pay I mean my hourly rate of pay. I don't expect to get paid for 40 hours of work if I only do 15, but to cut my hourly rate seems very unfair to me. But, rules are rules, I guess.