1. When did you start scrapping? I started in 2003, but did not really get serious about it until 2008.
2. Why do you scrap? To tell a story, about life and the people in it. Plus it is therapeutic for me.
3. What is your favorite thing to scrap? I would have to say nature. Then Grandkids, trips, actually anything.
4. What item do you have more of than anything else? Patterned Paper, but you can never have enough of that, right?
5. Do you scrap events only, or are you a life scrapper? I do it all, chronologically.
6. If you could change one thing about the way you scrap, what would it be? To feel like it is ok to be behind, that makes it too stressful for me at times.
7. What are some of your favorite techniques? Layering, misting, texture, though not good at any of these most of the time. I am still learning.
8. What is the hardest technique for you?Stamping, I love the way it adds dimension to a page, but I struggle with it.
9. Do you scrap alone, or do you prefer in a group or with a friend? Alone. I don't really know anyone close who scraps, I guess that works though, as I can get more accomplished when I am not talking, lol.
10. What is something new you have learned to incorporate in your pages in the past 6 months? Gesso, and it is a learning process for sure!
I will be back to answer mine after work. I look forward to seeing some new, and plenty of "old" names here.