My first message on the boards!
We moved this summer, so I know exactly how you feel. Out of the entire house, the stupid craft room seemed to have the most boxes- towards the end of packing I gave up organising, and simply took large ziplock bags and emptied my desk drawer by drawer and put each one in a labeled box so I could transfer the exact same chaos back to "whence it came"! LOL
A couple of months later, and to be truthful I still haven't unpacked everything- but I'd say I'm 95% there. Unfortunately, there is no great secret to do it- you just have to make peace with the frustration, get in there, and do it. (Although some music and a glass or two of wine helps!)
The best thing I did was go and buy some attractive, matching fabric covered bins at Homegoods after measuring my new shelves. I use clear bins for stuff I keep on the shelving unit directly above my desk that I need to see & use most often, and the other stuff now looks very tidy and removed from sight which gives the impression of a cleaner space! For instance, a bin simply marked "Sewing Stuff" contains bobbins, thread, patterns, some fabrics for projects I will tackle in the nearest future: all of this stuff I need to root through anyways each time I use it, so there is no point putting any of it in a clear bin which only STILL makes the room look cluttered. KWIM?
If you are REALLY stuck, go get some big boxes all the same size and a sharpie marker. Label each box, "Punches & Cutting", "Books & Magazines", "2012 Embellishments", "Older Embellishments", " Stamps", etc etc for what sorts of things you've got in there. (If you are at a loss for how to even make up categories, look at the product categories listed on the shopping part of this site for inspiration.) Just hump everything you pick up into one of those boxes until the room is as empty as you can get it. Then go box by box and put things onto their "new homes" as it makes sense, in smaller containers/boxes that you will place on shelves. Commit to doing a big box at least every couple of days, and just get it done no matter what, or it will feel like there is no end in sight & that will absolutely demotivate you, lead you to treat the space as a "dumping ground" which will then compound the problem... And then you will have a catch-22 situation for yourself.
I now live by the rule that whever I use my desk, I FORCE myself to tidy up when I am finished for the day. It's hell, but the only thing worse is coming back to a messy desk the next time I want to work on something! I make myself put away at least the main components, if I truly can't put away everything: at least I can put the paper cutter back, the tool bag, the ink pads, gather up the alphabet sheets, stickers, paper into a tidy pile. This one rule has made a WORLD of difference in my life!
And finally, when you are done organising, just maintain. You won't need to do it again for years if you really get in there and do it right! Any time you want to flip the light off and walk away without at least clearing up your desk, just remember the agony & frustration of how hard you worked to get it all done, and ask yourself if you want to do it again- for me that is the fastest way to light a fire under my butt to clean up- if I ever have to pack a million boxes full of junk again, I think I will just shoot myself instead! Ha ha! Good luck!