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Cherry Crush

IF - 725
If you could go back to any moment in history, where would you go?
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Addict

Re: IF - 725
Oh, tough one. I'm going to have to think on this one and get back to you!
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: IF - 725
Actually I loved the years of my life now, but I have always loved the simple, family oriented life portrayed in Little House on the Prairie. So, I guess it would be then.
ImageSusan  Image   Image  Image
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Wild Cherry

Re: IF - 725
Maybe the 80's LOL

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: IF - 725
a time when I could get to know my grandparents better.... i miss them so. I knew my grandma well, but my grandfather dies when when I was young.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: IF - 725
1975 or 1998...a couple of things I would do differently

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A Cherry on Top

Re: IF - 725
September 11, 2001, very early morning, and stop those #$%@&! from boarding any of those planes.

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Cherry Delight

Re: IF - 725
world history or my history?
world history early 50's - some of the best times of my young life
my history- to the moment when I agreed with my DH that 3 kids were enough. I really wanted 5
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A Cherry on Top

Re: IF - 725
I'd go back to when I was 5 or 6 years old, I lost one of my grandma's when I was 10 and we were so close, I'd love to go back to that time when I spent almost everyday with her, some of my best childhood memories.
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Cherry Addict

Re: IF - 725
I'm not certain. The time of Christ with him, I think.
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