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Cherry Addict

He just asked.....
my kids (the youngest 3 boys anyway) how they felt if he wanted to marry me...cuz we really like each other a lot. He told them I am fantastic, and that they are fantastic kids, and he would be so happy if he were my husband and had a daily part in their lives. Right now he's talking to Ali.... then he has to ask me! lol
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: He just asked.....
HOw exciting!!!!!!
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Cola

Re: He just asked.....
can't wait to here more!!!!

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Cherry Cola

Re: He just asked.....
omg Nancy!!!!!!!!! Tell us more!
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My blog...My tattooed paper heart
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Cherry Garcia

Re: He just asked.....
WOW! What did the kids say? What are you going to say? tell us tell us!!!
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Cherry Addict

Re: He just asked.....
LOL...the kids like the idea. Keegan's response was ... "Cool, now I can learn to cook better!" The other boys were also approving. Ali told him that she has seen me have a couple of different boyfriends since my divorce, and she has never seen me so happy. And to allay any concerns that may be floating around about how quickly this has all progressed, we have no intentions of doing anything soon at all. We both have things to settle and see thru first, he just wanted to talk to my kids to see how they feel about it. He has a house 40 miles from me, and I won't move because of my kids' school and their activities. So it's way off that anything will happen, and that time will give us the opportunity to keep learning more about him, and he the same about me. It's just nice to know how the kids feel about it! He hasn't officially asked me, and won't until we are more prepared to make the changes in our lives that would put us in the same house. But I wanted to share with all my friends here!
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: He just asked.....
how exciting and great that he talked to your kids first :)
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Cherry Bing

Re: He just asked.....
<<<<<girl squeal>>>>>>>

that is a definite sign of a good guy if he wants to know how your kids feel about everything..... YEAH FOR YOU!!!!!
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Cherry Bing

Re: He just asked.....
awwww that is so nice that he talked to your kids first. Sounds like a great guy.

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Cherry Cola

Re: He just asked.....
That's awesome Nancy!!! Sounds like a great guy!
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My blog...My tattooed paper heart
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Cherry Blossom

Re: He just asked.....
Congrats, Nancy!! That's great!

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Cherry Cola

Re: He just asked.....
Congratulations! So glad you and your family are happy! You deserve it!

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Gail R

Cherry Garcia

Re: He just asked.....
I am so happy that you have found such a thoughtful and caring man. By reading your posts, it's obvious how well the two of you fit together, but for him to care enough to make sure that your kids think it's a good thing, is quite awesome!!
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Cherry Bark

Re: He just asked.....
OMG!!!! This is sooooo exciting. Very cool of him to talk to your kids first.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: He just asked.....
Awesome! If you like him... he must be a great guy.
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Cola

Re: He just asked.....
That is the best news I have heard all week!!
Thanks for sharing!!!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: He just asked.....
Nancy, I am so happy for you. It sounds like he is one great man and the fact that he cares about the kids and how they feel is great. Keep us updated as things progress.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: He just asked.....
OMG Nancy! I am so happy for you!!!

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Cherry Bing

Re: He just asked.....
WOW, Nancy..that is some kind of guy you've got there! Glad your kids think so highly of him; that is SOOOOO important in a relationship!!
You've got a real gem, there!
Image Charlene
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Cherry Bing

Re: He just asked.....
Congrats Nancy!!
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