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Cherry Bing

I have EIGHT days off from work!
Any of you that are my friends on Facebook already know this, but for the last 2 weeks I have had major pain in my back and had no idea what it was or what I did to it. After several sleepless nights I woke up on Thursday with a sore on my back. Initially I thought I got a burn from the heating pad and while I thought it odd, didn't give it much thought. Friday morning I woke up and had a rash of small bumps right next to wear the "burn" was. Again, assumed it was from the heating pad and whatever I did to burn myself! Saturday morning I had 10 more blisters and several rashes and realized that this was more than just a burn from a heating pad. The back pain was lessening but the sores and rashes were both itchy and incredibly tender. On Sunday the rash and sores travelled around my side to my stomach where I am now sporting two large rash patches and several sores mixed in amongst my beautiful stretch marks! (How;s THAT for painting a pretty picture!). I figured I better see a doctor to figure this out (after asking around and having several people say Shingles). When I called to make an appointment the nurse in the doctor office (whom I am also friends with) said no way it was shingles, that I was too young. I get there...she says let me see. I lift my shirt and she says "Holy S**t, yep its shingles". Apparently its not rare but is uncommon in people under 60. So after seeing my doctor (who is the sweetest man....he gave me a hug and said he was so sorry I was going through this....he's been there for me since my husband died. Two days after he died I came down with walking pneumonia. He's been there through that, through a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis in Oct '10, the death of my mom and countless colds and flus! He gave me prescriptions for an antibiotic pill, an anti itch cream, lidocaine pain patches and a narcotic painkiller that knocks me on my tush but at least I got more than 3 hours sleep last night! But the BEST piece of paper I got was a note keeping me out of work through 3/29! WOO HOO! Not that I don;t like my job....I really do. But I'm tired. I've BEEN tired. And I've had so many ideas for layouts but can't get them done because nby the time I get home, I'm too tired to scrap!

So look out Cherries!! Some serious scrapping coming from me! I just spent FIVE HOURS...yep...5 hours....on one layout! I NEVER spend that long...I never have that much time!!

It would be better if I wasn;t itching and owwwwing from the pain but I'll take it!
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Susan Zennario - NJ
Mommy of Johnny (20), Matt (14) and Susie (12)
My Blog - Paper Daisy Dreams
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Cherry Addict

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
I was going to say "color me jealous" but I'll retract that thought. Hope you feel better soon! A good friend of mine actually had shingles at 34... while she was pregnant! Don't wish that on anyone. But glad you'll get some scrappy time, and that yellow layout is FABULOUS! Already left you love.
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You don't quit playing because you grow old....you grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
Sorry about the Shingles. But YAY for time off!:-D
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Cherry Bing

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
Poor you! But at least you do get the time to recoup.

I had the shingles when I was 2 - yes, I said 2! Talk about uncommon.
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Cherry Cola

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
Ohhh Shingles- holy painful!!!! I remember when my Mom had them. She could have her head hanging off and never complain of pain, but I remember how painful she found it. Have fun with your time off!!!! At least you have meds to take care of the pain.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
Oh wow so sorry you have Shingles. I didn't know someone young could get it until a friend that was barely 40 had it. Hope it starts to feel better and enjoy your glorious time off and scrappy time!!!

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Cherry Bark

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
Yikes! Hope you get to feeling better soon. A friend of mine had shingles at 28. NO FUN!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Bomb

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
Aw YUCK! :( But at least you know what it is now, and you have extra time to heal (and relax and scrap and all that good stuff!)...

There was actually a girl in one of my classes last semester who missed quite a bit because she had shingles too! And I would say she was probably 20!
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Cherry Cola

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
So sorry for your pain. My mom and my hairdresser had them, not fun at all. Have fun scrapping.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
Lucky you!!!
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
Lucky you for being off work. I don't know what that is like. I feel for you having Shingles.....I've heard it is horrid pain! I'm off to look at your layout and leave you some loving!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
My first thought was Lucky You, but then I kept reading and thought, sounds like Shingles. No fun, ds had them when he was 6. One night he came over to me while I was doing the dishes and he raised his shirt and said "What is this Mom?" I couldn't believe it. The right side of his chest and back was covered in blisters and then he just started crying. He said they didn't hurt or itch but they scared him. Poor little guy had no idea what was wrong. He had a very mild case of chicken pox so his immunity to them was low.

Enjoy your scrappy and healing time and I hope your not in too much pain.
Life is good, and even better when the SUN is shining! :)
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Cherry Bing

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
Yeah for time off...but boo to the shingles. My grandmother has had them like 3 times...and my mom had them a few years ago too (she is under age 60 too). I am wondering about the shingles vaccine and if it's worth it. I figure i have the weight issues and they body shape of both women why not have the shingles too.

I can't wait to see what you come up with! BTW are you going to do a Shingles layout? ;)
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Cherry Bomb

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
Well. I am truly sorry you are suffering, but so happy you can rest and scrap now--for 8 days!!!
Lori aka "Mima"
Cherish Every Moment; Then Scrap Each One!
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Cherry Cola

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
Oh Sus, I've heard shingles are VERY painful. Bless your heart and {{{HUGS}}}. Hope you recover soon and in the meantime, enjoy scrapping and take care. The LO you worked on for so long is gorgeous.
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Cherry Addict

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
I hope you feel better soon. Shingles are not fun. But, I guess you are going to fill up the gallery. Can't wait to see what you do.
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Cherry Bing

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
cort wrote:Yeah for time off...but boo to the shingles. My grandmother has had them like 3 times...and my mom had them a few years ago too (she is under age 60 too). I am wondering about the shingles vaccine and if it's worth it. I figure i have the weight issues and they body shape of both women why not have the shingles too.

I can't wait to see what you come up with! BTW are you going to do a Shingles layout? ;)

LOL! I think I draw the line at scrapping it. Its GROSS! I don;t even want to see it so would not want anyone else to see it!!!! If I win the lottery, I may get the vaccine so I never go through this again!? But its not covered by my insurance (how stupid is that?) and my doctors office said it was somewhere between $350 and $400 for the vaccine if I paid cash! Do you KNOW how much scrappy stuff I can get for that money? I have my priorities!

Its been ok....I can't sleep so all I do is scrap! Its currently 4:!5am and I'm already on coffee number 3! Getting set to start another layout!
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Susan Zennario - NJ
Mommy of Johnny (20), Matt (14) and Susie (12)
My Blog - Paper Daisy Dreams
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
Glad you are off but sorry its shingles, very painful I've hears.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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Cherry Addict

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
oh man, that is ouchy! hope those shingles go away soon! they are terrible... my brother had them when he was in his mid-thirties and I think my mother had them when she was about 60, other people who have had them who were young, didn't think it was 'uncommon' for youngun's :winkb:
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Indy Scrapper

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I have EIGHT days off from work!
Shingles are no picnic and although uncommon at a younger age, are brought on by stress. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Live long, laugh often, hug someone.
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