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Grrr! Another 2-hr. delay

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:28 am
by Art_Teacher
Normally I don't mind if we are on delay, because I like sleeping in. But, they didn't call this one until ten 'til 7:00! I was already up, showered, and dressed! We are giving exams today and now the exam periods have just been shortened by a half hour each. Could be rough for some students. This winter is already starting to be a PITA! :x

Re: Grrr! Another 2-hr. delay

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:04 am
by SarahA
That doesn't seem fair to the students to shorten the exam time. And I hate when I wake up before I have to, too!

Re: Grrr! Another 2-hr. delay

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:25 am
by anazelia
Oh man that sucks. When I was teaching and living where I am now, I had an hour commute (on a good day with no traffic). I would have to leave my house at about 6 am to get to work by 7:15. I drive all the way out there, and I am the only one in the parking lot. I call a friend and they canceled school. But the canceled it before the snow hit and after I already left for work. None of the radio stations let me know. I was so mad.

I then had to call DH to get me home because of HOV lane restrictions on the beltway.

Re: Grrr! Another 2-hr. delay

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:02 am
by Art_Teacher
Well, they ended up canceling, so we have to move one of the exam days to after Christmas break. Ick!

Re: Grrr! Another 2-hr. delay

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:08 am
by croppinmama
My kids are going to be so jealous. Everynight before bed my 2 younger kids check the weather channel. If they see flurries they get so excited. I then have to explain (for the 100th time) what flurries really mean. We live in New England and nothing major in the snow dept has happened. I wish we would get your snow just so the kids stop bugging me.

Re: Grrr! Another 2-hr. delay

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:23 am
by sherry
My youngest child graduated from high school last June so I am no longer concerned with delays/closings, but I feel your pain. We had no bus service (private school), so it was me driving her in the bad weather. So even if there was a 2 hr delay, I still had to get up, shower, get dressed etc. and be ready to leave to allow plenty of time for driving in the bad weather. It was annoying! Today- 95% of all schools closed down here (southern Ohio).

Re: Grrr! Another 2-hr. delay

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:38 am
by grifscap
I so agree about winter.

Re: Grrr! Another 2-hr. delay

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:44 am
by scraptag
see, there is an "Art" to being a teacher! You have to be a superhero & magician just to get the grades in!

Re: Grrr! Another 2-hr. delay

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:50 pm
by 1grandma
Can they actually shorten the exam time?

Re: Grrr! Another 2-hr. delay

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:51 pm
by Art_Teacher
Of course we can shorten the exam time. They are school exams written by the teachers and the school makes up the exam schedule. These aren't state exams. Problem is, the teacher has to either shorten the test or hope it wasn't so long and the kids can still get it done. It doesn't matter now, though, because they closed us, so we will have one exam day tomorrow and one after Christmas break.

Re: Grrr! Another 2-hr. delay

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:52 pm
by scrapaholic
Not fair how certain areas get hit so hard, spread it around, I'd take some snow gladly for a day or two anyways.