I was reading Jess's topic and it got me to thinking...since this is the 1st time I will ever have my own scrappy space, I wonder what other peoples rooms look like...so if you have your own scrappy space, can you share here so I can get some ideas

Last edited by nun69 on Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

How exciting for you Angie!!! Here is my scrappy space... well this is what it looks like when it is cleaned up lol!

Dang! I wanna come scrap at Barb's place!!
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
I have my own scrappy room, but after seeing Barbs I'm too embarrassed to show it. Mine is in a small space but its still mine. 

Hmm.. I think looking at this thread is just going to make me jealous..
(I'll try to post pics of my space later... I promise it's underwhelming though!)


averys_mom wrote:Me, too!!!
Me three!! What a great room!
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
Shazam!! Awesome rooms!
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
MOM2SNOX wrote:Dang! I wanna come scrap at Barb's place!!
me too. what a fantastic room. Jealous.
I love looking at everyones spaces! They are all so diferent and awesome too!

I want someone to come clean my space up.

Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
I'll be posting pics of my new room soon but I don't want to take them until it is completely finished!
I LOVE it so far!!

anazelia wrote:MOM2SNOX wrote:Dang! I wanna come scrap at Barb's place!!
me too. what a fantastic room. Jealous.
Awww... thank you ladies! A few years ago dh and I decided to expand our tiny little office and we designed how big we wanted it. We both share the room, and he gave me the side with the two windows. You are only seeing my side in the pics. He also had the idea to put in the closet for my scrappy stuff, office supplies, and some of his business things. He put in the wire framed shelves for me, even built them around my carts which was about all the space I had for supplies before we built the extension. But you know how it goes, the more space you have, the more you fill it up lol. I've changed some things around since those pics were taken, mostly removing the little inkjet and pushing my scanner way over, so now I can scrap to the left of my Mac... and I've added storage bins under my tables ((hangs head in shame)). And notice from the pic that I use 95% of the closet. There is a small amount of space on the left that you can't see in the pic for office supplies and his stuff. He really supports my addiction and is such a sweetie!
Thank you for all the compliments. Now if only my desk was as neat as it is in those pics. I just finished a two page spread so stuff is everywhere. Seeing those pics is giving me the incentive to clean it up lol!

I love looking at all your rooms! We're looking at getting a house right now and if we get it I'll have my own small scrapbook/ yarn room with a closet so I'm really hoping we can get the financing!
**Crystal** Scrapping, knitting mama to 3 girls!
im super jealous of all your spaces. I still scrap in a corner of the bedroom. I'm slowly building storage but I find that I have to limit my stock to what will fit in my space - good and bad.
Kat >^..^<
