Done differently..or wish you had prepared or did..before during/into/after this crop?
1. I wish I had done my mp3 music playlist ahead of the crop.. So I would've of had tons of tunes to dance and boogie to.. So yeah do that next time.
2. I wish I had had some meals/snacks prepared ahead of time.
3. I wish I had some different things in my scrap I could've added some cooler things to my fast scraps/layouts etc.. I need to just stop always buying just paper..and add some cooler new things even if they are more exspensive.
Anyone else?
I wish I would have been home!
Friday we went out to dinner with family, Saturday I went to a crop and had a sick kid, and today we were cleaning up my inlaws garden and shed.
Friday we went out to dinner with family, Saturday I went to a crop and had a sick kid, and today we were cleaning up my inlaws garden and shed.

Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
I think the fast scraps were OK, it's the lo's that are an issue for me. I think I would like to have some basic kit's put together with matching papers and such so it didnt' take so long to look for them and then put the flowers together and cut out embellies. Other thank that just maybe have my anniversary on a non crop day. Although it all worked out add I only missed a few hours last night.

I wish I'd known in which order Bingo words would be called!!

I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
i wish the 2-yr-old's father wasn't such a selfish creep! teehee
maybe if he'd come and gotten her sooner i'd have more than a few challenges done!
maybe if he'd come and gotten her sooner i'd have more than a few challenges done!

I wish I didn't have to stop to eat dinner with dh... sigh.
I wish I had more organization in my scrap supplies.
I wish I had more organization in my scrap supplies.
Music - ditto!
Clean my house really good befoer hand than it wouldn't as messy so quickly making me stop the crop and go clean!
Organize pics/ gather a few LO ideas - (my pics are a disaster)
More cold beverages (beer , soda, iced tea...)
Clean my house really good befoer hand than it wouldn't as messy so quickly making me stop the crop and go clean!
Organize pics/ gather a few LO ideas - (my pics are a disaster)
More cold beverages (beer , soda, iced tea...)

Wish the drama in my apartment complex would not exist next time around.

DITTO!!!!!hellmgle wrote:I wish I could send my family on a mini vacation.....
I wish I had a scanner!
When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper

When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
Wish my computer was in same location as my scrappy stuff. Also wish I wasn't so darned tired, guess work really wore me out.
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne
Jody H. (jodcold)

Jody H. (jodcold)

I wish I had refamiliarized myself with my Cricut (I seem to only use at these online crops!).
And for the next crop -- practice the with the digital software... then I won't have to call craftyfool while she's trying to do the Fast Scrap!
And for the next crop -- practice the with the digital software... then I won't have to call craftyfool while she's trying to do the Fast Scrap!

I wish I could have figured out where my scrappy mojo has gone to and gotten it to come home! Even with all the great challenges, I still can't get myself started on anything. Oh well, at least I've gotten lots of points! 

First of all....... Peace & Quiet
2nd.........I wish I would have learned how to get images on my topic posts and PRACTICED doing it !!!
2nd.........I wish I would have learned how to get images on my topic posts and PRACTICED doing it !!!
