LOL, I bet this post got your attention. Yes, I just finished a special occasion card...I bet Hallmark doesn't make this one. It's a CONSTIPATION Card. Here is the story... One of the ladies at work today was holding her side and said she had been hurting for 2 days and thought she had appendicitis. I asked her if she was nauseated and she said no. I asked her if the pain was sharp or dull. She said is was dull like something pushing on her from the inside. I asked her if she had a recent bowel movement and she said no. I told her she was probably just constipated, as did everyone else. However, she insisted she was having an appendicitis attack and went to the emergency room. They did x-rays, ran some other test, and told her she was constipated! and to take something to help her go to the bathroom. She called the boss and said she would be back to work tomorrow. Of course we were all giving her hell over the phone. She's very layed back and we joke around all the time. So, being the maker of cards, the ladies asked if I would make her a funny card.
On the front of the card it says...We hear things haven't been going smoothly lately, but don't let it build up inside of you. You have to learn to let go.
The inside of the card says...We promise things will all work out in the end.
The inside of the card is stamped with the rear end of a little bunny and it sasy "The End". How appropriate I thought. Couldn't resist the stamp. We are always playing jokes on each other, so I know she will get a good laugh.
So, that is the story of my special occasion constipation card.
Yes, it caught my eye and this will make your friend smile! Very cute! I think it is great! My friends would love it, too!
Beth R.
My Blog:
Rusty Pickle DT, Pebbles Inc. DT, Hemar Inc. DT, and Scrapbook News and Review DT
My Blog:
Rusty Pickle DT, Pebbles Inc. DT, Hemar Inc. DT, and Scrapbook News and Review DT

loved what you put on the card, it's perfect!
"a heart in love with beauty never grows old"
(turkish proverb)

LOL...that is hilarious. And it sounds like you'll all be laughing tomorrow! 

That is hilarious!!! She will love it. Very clever.

I NEED SA - Scrappers Anonymous!!!
cute... I think I might have the same problem as your co worker....ugh

How about that little change there?!?! lolAlwaysHappy wrote:...
Here's an idea for the inside of the card ...We promise things will all come OUT OK in the end.

That's so funny, I am sure she'll love it. If not now then very near in the future, she'll also think it is hilarious!!!
-If it's scrappy it makes me happy!
LOL ~~~~ I like your ending.justred2u wrote:How about that little change there?!?! lolAlwaysHappy wrote:...
Here's an idea for the inside of the card ...We promise things will all come OUT OK in the end.

I would love to see your card, did you post it here? Hilarious and very creative, something to have a good laugh with her

Hallmark should totally hire you. They don't know what marketing demographics they're missing out on!

Way too funny! I am LMAO!
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne
Jody H. (jodcold)

Jody H. (jodcold)

I was like do what when I saw the post! I knew it had to be good! You are so funny! ROTFLMBO!