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Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:19 pm
by beachlover
 I am bummed, just heard from my Creative Memories Consultant.  She always takes the summers off, but from Sept-May she holds crops 1x a month.  Those are the only crops I ever get to, I feel so far away from civilization.  Well, she says she is not doing the crops anymore because she doesn't get enough turnout.  Now what am I going to do  :(  I am a homebody as it is and I have been waiting and waiting to start getting back to the crops to meet up with new people, leearn a new technique or two and get really motivated again to get a lot of scrapping done.  Let's face it, at this rate, I may as well just turn into a hermit crab and give away all my scrappy stuff  :? 

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:20 pm
by -Tracy-
 Awwwww!!! (((((hugs)))))  No LSS by you?

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:22 pm
by baltoscrapper
 Come to Baltimore, I'll scrap with ya!!! And hey, bring me a quad while you're at it!!! LOL :winkb:

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:23 pm
by naney1952
Awwwww that's horrible! Guess you're just going to have to hang out with us even more  :-D On a more serious note though.....are there any other consultants around that do the same thing that may be within driving range? 

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:24 pm
by JeanellePaige
 I am sorry. :( I know how it is to feel like a hermit and having nothing to do for yourself and no where to go. I hope you can find something soon! HUGS

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:32 pm
by beachlover
baltoscrapper wrote: Come to Baltimore, I'll scrap with ya!!! And hey, bring me a quad while you're at it!!! LOL :winkb:
hey, there's an idea :winkb:

there are a few LSS but they are about a 30 min drive (w/o traffic) and charge like 25-30 for a day.  I think that is kinda high because their products in their stores are very expensive and I never shop there unless they send me a coupon for something like 20% off total purchase.

I may look to see if there is another CM consultant around my area.  I hate to do this to the lady I have been dealing with, but, I was at her last crop, and her tables were full, so, I don't know what the problem is.  She does a Friday night, charges $12 and has snacks and soda, 6-11pm. 

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:37 pm
by kittymomma

Don't give up---I wish I lived closer--I'd love to scrap with you!!!

Have you looked into  (Hope it is okay to post that here...)  I went there and found a knitting group in my area and a scrapping group. Actually Katarria and I "met" through there. WE never actually attended one of the crops and met--but we emailed each other through there.  You would be surprised at the number of groups you can find there---for just about anything!

Plus, there is a section to sign up to be notified if a group in your area starts up in the topic you are looking for.  Goodluck!!!

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:55 pm
by megamay
 aww that stinks! I kinda know how you feel. I live in plenty of civilization (right outside Philly) but there is NO scrap stuff anywhere near me so I never get to go to IRL crops.

But I am going to a weekend retreat at a place outside of Allentown - this woman bought a house and had it renovated especially for crops. She rents it out each weekend and sometimes she has open ones. If you arent too far from there I can give you the web address if you want to check it out. Its going to be a 2hr drive for me, but I figure that for a whole weekend of cropping it is worth the drive.

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:09 pm
by Queen Mum
 Wanna come up to my house and play?

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:10 pm
by sarahwhithers
 Big hugs!
If I was closer I'd drag ya out to scrap with me! :winkb:

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:13 pm
by SBcrazee
 That is a bummer. If you were around here, I'd have you over. Actually you're still welcome to.

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:13 pm
by craftyfool
 HUGS!  My CM consultant has decided she's tired of doing it so I'm thinking seriously of signing up just to keep the crops going...maybe you should do that!!  ;)

Or just look around for another consultant.  Good Luck!!  I hope you find something cuz we don't want you to give away your stuff for crying out loud!!

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:15 pm
by imwickedwitch
That Bites!  Hope you find another one soon!

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:39 pm
by m1ch3113lee
 The only crops that I have been too are the ones that I attended that CKC put on in tulsa the last two years and I didnt even get to do this year because my kids got into a car wreck and I had to come home early.  We dont have any LSS around here plus I work the end of the week shift.  :(

I hope that you get to find someone around you that will crop.  I wish that I had someone in my area. 

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:50 pm
by dianagirly
 I have only been to one IRL crop and didn't get invited back. It was with a bunch of ladies who have known each other for about 15 years though so I was the odd man out. I am excited that there are more scrappers in my new area.
Oh and hey, there are a couple of empty houses in my neighborhood if you want to live by me and we can scrap our little hearts out! :winkb:

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:53 pm
by TraciL
 I did the meetups.....thing too it's pretty nice.

 Unfortunately the week I went to the store, signed up for their email, decided I liked it etc., I recd an email not 3 days later saying the store was closing.

I do go to a LSS about once a month.  Not thrilled with the store space, but I have met some fellow croppers and they crop at their houses about 1x a month and have invited me and it was great.

I would check for other CM reps from their website and it might show if they hold crops etc., depending on how detailed they make their personal pages.  Or maybe even try SU?

Good Luck - I live close to Memphis but between the traffic and chaos to drive I stay local.

Luckily I found ACOT - or I was thinking about selling all my stuff too.

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:56 pm
by montana_girl
 I used to be a CM consultant and when I "retired" I turned my contact list over to another consultant so my customers could still go to crops if they wanted to.  Have you asked the consultant if she is doing something like that?  Or knows of other consultants in your area that hold monthly crops?

I know what you mean about being a homebody though... I don't go out a whole lot, but I love going to the crops by the Creative Memories consultant.  She does Saturday crops, usually from 9am to 10pm and keeps the costs down ($7) by making it a potluck.  And there's always more then enough food!  :-)

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:49 pm
by emarie803
 Aww...I'm sorry :waiting:  I haven't been to a crop since the cherry meetup in TX (I'm in CO) because I don't know anyone who scraps. I went to one at Archiver's but everyone seemed to know everyone else and I felt like an outsider. Plus, I haven't had the money to spend on their crops. I wish I was closer to you so we could scrap together!

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:03 pm
by fong33
 Maybe we need to set up a tri-state crop for us NY, NJ and CT gals.  I went to an Archiver's crop in AUstin TX this summer, had a great time and all that did was make we realize how deprived I am here.  There is definitely no scrapping stores in NYC so all I get is to be here with all you wonderful gals.  :winkb:

Re: Bummed....

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:07 pm
by grifscap
 Mad that is a bummer. Maybe you can find someone around to crop with from the group who did go to the CM crops