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Cherry Addict

Re: very sad today
 HUGE HUGS hon!! I know how that is!! any chance you are gonna fly over and see him while he is there? Did you all get your new assignment yet??
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Cherry Addict

Re: very sad today
 thanks girls :-D

no, there is no way we could afford a visit and he couldn't get enough time off there to come home for a bit. So we tough it out. I tease that we'll be having frozen turkey pot pies for thanksgiving while he eats my moms home cooking. haha 

Yes, he will be home in time for Christmas. he returns the begining of Dec, Samantha has memorized the exact date and reminds me often. lol

we will be moving in January but don't know exactly where, for sure yet. Most likely it is back to Beale AFB, CA for us and we are perfectly happy there.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: very sad today
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Cherry Cola

Re: very sad today
 awwww hugs sent your way. My dh used to travel for 8-10 wks to Ireland( not fun with 4kids) I say serve up that cereal and then take the kids out and snap away with your new camera. Heres hoping the time flies by.... thinking of you
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