Good times!
CONGRATS HOLLY.................... WAY TO GO.................... ALL THAT CHATTING YOU DID REALLY DOES PAY OFF.............. I REMEMBER WHEN YOU AND WERE THE SAME NUMBER OF POINTS...................... AND NOW LOOK AT YOU A CHERRY COLA................. SO PROUD OF YOU KEEP IT UP.............................. VALERIE
although I'm pretending it's Cherry Coke Zero because that's my fave hahaha
Follow me on Instagram! @scrappy.boymama

Follow me on Instagram! @scrappy.boymama

QueenBee89 wrote: ↑Mon May 06, 2024 1:22 pmalthough I'm pretending it's Cherry Coke Zero because that's my fave hahaha
I was wondering where that cute bunny avatar went to!

SCRAPBOOKINGVLCS wrote: ↑Mon May 06, 2024 1:15 pmCONGRATS HOLLY.................... WAY TO GO.................... ALL THAT CHATTING YOU DID REALLY DOES PAY OFF.............. I REMEMBER WHEN YOU AND WERE THE SAME NUMBER OF POINTS...................... AND NOW LOOK AT YOU A CHERRY COLA................. SO PROUD OF YOU KEEP IT UP.............................. VALERIE
Well a congratulations is due! CONGRATULATIONS
I too moved up in rank WOOT WOOT! I am now a Sweet Cherry Pie! I noticed five posts into it AND totally forgot to say something during the all the fun over the weekend lol
Doing all the crafty things.

Congrats!! I was hoping I would move up but I didn’t this weekend.
Just call me Nan - it's short and sweet

Congrats, I am right behind you for the same ranking I think. Nope's the next one whatever that is.
"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"

I only have 6 more posts to the next level. See if I can do it today!
