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A Cherry on Top

Re: The day that just keeps on giving....
I am so very sorry and my hearts aches for you. I know the pain you must be going through. I still miss my Cider and I think of him every single day, and we lost him in 2003. ((Hugs)) to you.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: The day that just keeps on giving....
I know the pain of that loss, my heart aches for you! ((((((hugs)))))
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Cherry Bing

Re: The day that just keeps on giving....
sdwhru wrote:So my dh & I took one of the fur babies to the vet. Her liver cells are dying off and her red blood cells are not producing enough to sustain her anymore. The vet said she would not last much longer. She was fine on Saturday and Sunday, but this morning not. So we made the tough decision to let Jellybean go. Then we brought her home and my dh and dad buried her for me. Of all the "pups" she was my baby. I raised her from a pup and she was my buddy when I lived in Hawaii and my ex would be away on duty. I would stay up all night doing homework/housework and she would stay up with me and then sleep all day :-D

I'm trying not to be too upset but I'm not dealing too well. I'm heartbroken (truth be told). It's crazy how much of a hold they get of your heart. Frankly, though it is so tough, I would rather her be fine all of the days instead of being sick all for many days/weeks/years.
Sorry Becca. The furry ones hurt just as much as the humans do. ((hugs))...
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: The day that just keeps on giving....
I'm so sorry, it is so hard to lose one of the family. They bring so much joy and ask for so little.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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