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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: Question of the day 9/24
 We have three...the family room, our bedroom and the loft (which is mostly for video games) None in the kids rooms. DD had to go away to school to get a TV in her room!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 9/24
 One in the family room - we never wanted it to be the primary focus of our lives and our kids never missed it. Even now that the two older ones have moved out they don't have cable - they have a television to get netflix to watch bizarre artsy movies in languages I don't understand. :?

Obviously we're weird.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 9/24

5 rooms, 5 tv's....
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 9/24
Themom wrote: One in the family room - we never wanted it to be the primary focus of our lives and our kids never missed it. Even now that the two older ones have moved out they don't have cable - they have a television to get netflix to watch bizarre artsy movies in languages I don't understand. :?

Obviously we're weird.
But we love you anyway! :-D

We have no cable or dish hookup either. It's Netflix and Blockbuster at our house.
"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 9/24
 We have 4 going at the moment. One in my room, one in the living room and the den, we have one in the library too but that's not set up with cable, it's just for my Wii playing. :-D
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 9/24 in the living room, one in our bedroom and one in my scrappy room!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 9/24
 2 tv's. Large one in the family room & the other in our master bedroom. No tv in the kids rooms.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 9/24
 We have 2.  One in the family room and one in the master bedroom.
- Jody -
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Cherry Berry

Re: Question of the day 9/24
Lu-Ann Lover of LadybugsImage
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Cherry Delight

Re: Question of the day 9/24
We have 2 - one in our bedroom and one in the front room.  When we move we'll probably eventually have 4, because I want to put one in the guest room and one in my scrapbook room/office.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 9/24
 we have 2 one in the living room and one in my bedroom.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 9/24
 We have 4: family room, "dining" room (which hold exercise equipment that never gets used and no table or chairs, but has a 2nd VCR), CM room, and a portable tiny B&W in the closet.  We don't have children but if we did they would not have sets in their rooms, & we don't have one in the bedroom.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 9/24
 We have in the livingroom and one in our bedroom.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 9/24
 we own 3, but only one is currently in use.  The other two are in the basement, but packed up while we are painting and finishing the basement.  One is just used for it's built in VCR for the girls and one is for my scrap area.

No tvs in bedrooms here.  And no cable :)
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Question of the day 9/24
 We have one in the living room that gets watched.
one in ds room for rare kid movies and rare games.
one in bedroom that dh will watch sports on about 3 times a year.
I hate TV! (but I do get sucked in, lol)
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead
funny goat stories: ... gest+thing
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 9/24
 3 - living rm, study and our bedroom.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 9/24
 3 - on in the living room, bed room and kitchen.
I don't really watch alot of tv but its on alot while I do things.  I like the noise and to just listen
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 9/24
 We have five.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Question of the day 9/24
 3. One in our bedroom, 1 in the family room and 1 in my sons play area.
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 9/24
Three but we have two Tivos.  AND Slingbox, which turns our computers into TVs and that means we can watch TV in any room in the house (or away!). 
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