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Cherry Jubilee

Re: How could you forget your child???
suslvgeo wrote:again, no jail for these people, LOCK THEM in a car in Las Vegas heat for 17 hours!! This stuff makes me sick. Totally why I try not to watch the news.

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Cherry Cola

Re: How could you forget your child???
 Not another one!!  This happened here last year when a mom forgot her 2 y.o was in the back seat and she went to work all day.  It hit te national news so I don't know how another couple could try the same excuse!
Take care of you,

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: How could you forget your child???
 They have to be frickin stupid and cold uncaring people --who desrve to die a long slow painful death--
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Cherry Cola

Re: How could you forget your child???
 I said the samething until my dh did it.  NO it wasn't that long and it was in the winter but it really can happen.  HOWEVER I think after that long you would start to wonder where the kid is!!!
God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: How could you forget your child???
 I say, "Book 'em, Dano" and throw away the key
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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