For all you winos, er wine lovers, if you would like to get some wine and contribute to a good cause, please check this out:
The wine is ready and available on-line for purchase for US sales.
Although the winery, Chateau Morissette,
Is still in the process of taking photographs of the EPI wine bottles to
Upload to the website under the section of "Dogs4aCause", at least it's
There and it is available for purchase now.
The wine is called "FOR THE LOVE OF DOGS" and costs $11.99 per bottle +
Shipping charges. The direct link is:
For the Love of Dogs is honored to be sponsored by the Chateau
Morrisette Winery on behalf of medical research benefiting dogs with EPI
(Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency). EPI is an insidious disease that
Destroys the pancreas virtually leaving the dog to die a slow, painful
Death from starvation and/or organ failure. There is no cure. The only
Treatment is supplementation with very expensive enzymes incubated on
Every mouthful of food ingested for the remainder of the dog's life,
Along with diet modification. But sadly, even this does not always work.
We are desperately seeking to identify the genetic marker(s) of EPI to
Allow testing prior to breeding to eradicate this disease. The largest
Group of dogs affected with EPI are service dogs/working dogs, whether
They assisting us in search and rescue, assisting us in therapy, or just
Being our faithful companion.
Recently, this disease is starting to showing up in all breeds. Please
Help us help them.
Chateau Morrisette will contribute a percentage of the gross adjusted
Sales to non-profit veterinary school canine genetics labs responsible
For EPI research.
For more information please visit
Http:// &
Please consider buying this wine for holidays, events, raffles,
Auctions, etc., to help support the EPI research that is currently being
Conducted in hopes of identifying the genetic marker(s) so that we can
Stop this horrible disease!