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Cherry Cola

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
dont get me wrong these are simply beautiful and I only wish I was making this much but come on I have made things similar to this and NEVER made this much.  Brings me back to that question of who is bidding on these layouts!!Girl - premade scrapbook pages PAPER PIECING UTPM - eBay (item 200200391319 end time Feb-19-08 17:15:10 PST)LOVE premade scrapbook pages PAPER PIECING UTPM - eBay (item 200199552034 end time Feb-19-08 17:30:00 PST)whatcha think girls think I could make that and get the same amount of mine? 
Jennifer Mom of Four Boys
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Cherry Cropper

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
I think part of it is people who want to buy from the same person. Your stuff is cute though and I think if you keep at it, the same good fortune may befall you!!
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Cherry Cola

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
I agree  I have made up to 70 on one of mine, it is however harder to make that much if you dont belong to one of those design teams or groups they have on there.  I have thougth about checking into it but at the same time I think a lot of these ladies do this full time, and while I am trying to establish myself I simply cant devote that kind of time.  Its kinda hard to do both lol.  Her work is FAB!!!  I just cant get over the amount of money spent on these layouts thats all lol.HUGS and thank you for the compliment I really do truely appreciate it! 
Jennifer Mom of Four Boys
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Cherry Cropper

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
You're welcome. It's an honest compliment!And I agree about the "clubs". And I tease that the people spending that dough are people paying nannies to take pics of their kids to put on the lo in the first place.
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Cherry Garcia

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
last week she made $800 off of 3 sales...INSANE!Your LO is super cute! Good luck!

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Cherry Cola

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
HOLY CRAP that one is up to almost 400 wozers lol!   And yes I am sure its those fine nannys that are scrappin away lol. 
Jennifer Mom of Four Boys
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Bowl Full of Cherries

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
a fool and his money....
Image 39 layouts in 2008 Image
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Bowl Full of Cherries

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
Did you ever think maybe it's people she knows "jacking" up the price???  I cannot seeing paying that kind of money for that - yep, it's nice for sure, but seriously . . .
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Chatty Cherry

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
that is i need to learn how to make those tear bears as cute as she does.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
Well, now we know what Angelina & Brad's baby scrapbooks look like!! Seriously - cute pages but who are the bidders!  Oh - and I agree with Diana that after awhile people on ebay get a "following" - you'll get there if you keep selling!  :)
{hopelessly addicted}

Filling my basket with all of the new goodies :)


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Chocolate Covered Cherry

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
If I was so rich I had nothing else to spend my money on, sure what's $400. hahaha! That is insane! I want to know what people are thinking when they pay that much!!
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Cherry Cola

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
They are absolutely impressive pages...However, they certainly not $300 impressive. That's insane. I wonder if someone bid that high as a joke. That can't be serious.
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Cherry Cola

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
That's crazy money to spend on a scrapbook layout, I don't care how cute or brilliant it is! Who has enough money to buy stuff like that??
"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen
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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
Even if I had alot of money, I would not spend that much on a layout.  I am about preserving memories not making them a shrine!  I'd be scared to put a picture on them.   That is plain crazy.  Good Luck, Jenn... I love your layouts and hope you can benefit from these people, too!
Word of 2025 - APPRECIATE 
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Cherry Blossom

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
Although seriously cute, though not my style...there are people who want the look without the effort...or do not have our creativity or willlingness to try.  those who cant, lol
Helen - I define my life by the number of hours I can spend scrapbooking a week.
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Cherry Garcia

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
WOW ! I am astounded !That is CRAZY !!  Who in the heck would be buying that ?????Paris Hilton???
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
Oh please that is crazy.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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Cherry Cropper

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
Yeah, that's crazy!

April layouts: 0/10

March cards: 4/4
March layouts: 10/10

On a no-buy - 19/100 layouts completed before I can buy. Don't show me the goodies!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
I think you are an idiot to spend that much money on a premade page.
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Cherry Jubilee

um can we say crazy lol!!!!!!!!
Utterly crazy but if it's true then more power to her! 
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