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Cherry Crush

Do you like scary movies?
If so, do you have a favorite movie for this time of year?
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OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Do you like scary movies?
no, I do not like them
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Cherry Addict

Re: Do you like scary movies?
Nope - not for me. Just getting up in the morning is scary enough!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Do you like scary movies?
I do love scary movies.  SCARY being the key word.  I can't stand bloody/gory slasher movies. 

That being said, I'm such a sucker for older, classic thrillers.  I love "Psycho" and "House on Haunted Hill" (1959 version with Vincent Price).  I also love "The Shining" and "Christine".

But, I think my favorite for this time of year is "The Haunting" from 1963!
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OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Kelly R.

Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Do you like scary movies?
No, I don't like them.  However, I have seen a bunch back in the day.  I would say Nightmare on Elm Street even though I couldn't sleep for a week after watching it.  
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:) Kelly 

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Cherry Bomb

Re: Do you like scary movies?
No, I'm not a fan
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Do you like scary movies?
Yes, and my husband laughs at me when I jump and scream.  
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Do you like scary movies?
yes!  i've always loved them--i was watching The Exorcist and The Omen when i was like 9 lol.  my kids all love them too.  sadly the older i get, the more scared i seem to get and i don't watch them as much anymore.

my favorite is Halloween but i also love the original Carrie, The Conjuring, The Omen (both the original and the 2006 remake), and Psycho and The Birds from Hitchcock.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Do you like scary movies?
No, no, no!!!
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Rhonda -- Scrappin' in Wisconsin
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Cherry Delight

Re: Do you like scary movies?
Nope I also am not a fan of scary movies. 
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Do you like scary movies?
Not really, but I prefer slasher/thriller movies over supernatural horror anyways. I was in high school and college during the late 90's/early 2000's teen horror movie era so I saw all of those. I would probably choose the original Scream as my favorite out of those.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Do you like scary movies?
I DO NOT like scary movies...nope, not at all, no way.

The scariest movie I can handle is Beetlejuice.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Do you like scary movies?
No! on scary movies for me!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Do you like scary movies?
Oh my gosh! I love psychological horror movies all year long...The Shining (Jack N version), Apartment 7A, Psycho, House of Wax...all of them (not gore but scary/psych!)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Do you like scary movies?
No thank you! Do not like or watch scary movies. Wizard of Oz is as far as I go.
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blfonty a.k.a. Bonnie

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Do you like scary movies?
LOVE them.  Psychological thrillers are my favorite.  
My 9 year old, also a fan.  She has always been interested.  This year we had a long conversation about consequences and boundaries and what she wanted out of scary movies.  So, she watched The Birds, Quiet Place, Poltergeist, and the original Halloween with us.  Her older sisters are 30, 27 and 19 and none of them can or will watch any of them.  She has had the best time.
Tonight my husband promised her Candyman...  she opted for a "S'more" buffet and a movie instead of Trick or Treating.  We are going to try every different kind of candy with marshmallows and graham crackers.
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Kelly R.

Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Do you like scary movies?
Oh, I forgot about Psycho.  Don't know how I could since to this day I still have a see through shower curtain.   :biggrin:   I did like the Alfred Hitchcock movies.  I saw The Shining a few times over the years.  I guess I do like some thrillers, just not blood and guts movies.  Hated the Ring.  Don't like those type of movies.  
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:) Kelly 

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karen c.

Cherry Bomb

Re: Do you like scary movies?
I like scary thriller movies like Psycho. Still creeps me out if there is a plastic shower curtain in a shower. So Psycho is a fave.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Do you like scary movies?
I haven't watched any lately.  My 15 yr. daughter really got into the whole Scream movies series and one of her costumes this year was Casey from the first movie. 

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Do you like scary movies?
MacSarah wrote:
Thu Oct 31, 2024 12:21 pm
LOVE them.  Psychological thrillers are my favorite.  
My 9 year old, also a fan.  She has always been interested.  This year we had a long conversation about consequences and boundaries and what she wanted out of scary movies.  So, she watched The Birds, Quiet Place, Poltergeist, and the original Halloween with us.  Her older sisters are 30, 27 and 19 and none of them can or will watch any of them.  She has had the best time.
Tonight my husband promised her Candyman...  she opted for a "S'more" buffet and a movie instead of Trick or Treating.  We are going to try every different kind of candy with marshmallows and graham crackers.
I'll be right over, minus the marshmallows!!
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