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Cherry Addict

Good Morning! July 14, 2013
Good Morning! It is bright and sunny this morning! That is a first since it has been raining every day for a while now. When I woke up, the dh had the door and window open wide and the AC on! It was running and running. He is not able to see much and now, I think he is loosing his ability to think as well. lol Not really, just me complaining. I should stop that. No more. Today is a new day and we have so many blessing! I need to start getting ready for a crop I am going to at the end of the month. Get pics, make packets to take so that I don't take everything in the world with me. And I still have a little (lot) of housework to do. My floors have not been swept yet or mopped. I was expecting an Envie package on Thursday, but it has not come YET! It really bummed me out when I worked a 12 hours shift on Friday (just knowing my pkg was waiting for me when I got home) and it still had not come. So, yesterday, I kept looking out the window for the mailperson passing, but it still did not come. The anticipation is intense! OK, tomorrow is a new day.

What are your plans for this blessing of a day? I hope you have many blessings!
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Cherry Delight

Re: Good Morning! July 14, 2013
Hot and sunny again. But that is summer in California! Nothing much happening today except skypeing with DD and DGS as usual.
Bibi My DH does similar things too. Dr. feels it is somewhat due to meds and somewhat due to having so much done for them since being sick that they lose some processing abilities.

hope all have a cool and safe day.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Good Morning! July 14, 2013
Actually a few clouds here this morning so we may get a shower or two. Skittles was not happy with his Momma after bathing him this morning. Wouldn't even take a treat from me! Poor thing, but he needed it and I had some flea med to give him too. He went and sat with Ben after that...but slowly came back for me to pet and love on. Finishing a bit of laundry, cleaning Brandon's things getting ready for a new week.

My scrap room is really bothering me and detering me from scrapping. I must find a way to organize better. When B takes a nap, I'll see what I can do to get started in there.

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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning! July 14, 2013
Hot and sunny today. Kids are still gone. DH and I went grocery shopping, random errands. Going to an afternoon movie and dinner in a couple of hours. Right now snacking while checking out the boards here.
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Cherry Bark

Re: Good Morning! July 14, 2013
Good afternoon! DH is at work and I gonna get started on scrapping. Would have started on it earlier but DH wanted to go to Home Depot for some things.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Good Morning! July 14, 2013
Good day, not morning anymore. But it's been a beautiful day here in MI. Overall a great sunny weekend.

The city has been celebrating the Tall Ship Festival.

We had a busy couple days and haven't made it down, but the ships are pretty cool.

I've been very lazy today, not doing much of anything. :)
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Wild Cherry

Re: Good Morning! July 14, 2013
venus70 wrote:Good day, not morning anymore. But it's been a beautiful day here in MI. Overall a great sunny weekend.

The city has been celebrating the Tall Ship Festival.

We had a busy couple days and haven't made it down, but the ships are pretty cool.

I've been very lazy today, not doing much of anything. :)

Oh, how cool! Hope you get to go see them. We had the Peacemaker in Pensacola's harbor a couple of years ago. Took my young grandsons to see it and they loved going aboard!

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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning! July 14, 2013
Today we drove to NH to drop my youngest off at summer camp. She goes every year and loves it. I'm home now and want to scrap but I'm tired. I took my 19 and 16 yr old to the Jeff Dunham concert at Mohegan Sun last night. It was so funny. My kids love his comedy. We had fun, but got home at 12:45 am. I jumped on the message board to get my mojo going, but I have not started to scrap.
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