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Cherry Bing

Thursty Thursday
What do you drink throughout a normal day?
Hi! I'm Rachel
My Blog: Happay Scraps
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Thursty Thursday
I drink tons and tons of water at work but at home it's ice tea.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Thursty Thursday
I usually drink diet pepsi except at restaurants I usually get water with lemon.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Thursty Thursday
Caffeine Free Pepsi
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Cherry Bing

Re: Thursty Thursday
I get up and first thing have a huge glass of water
then after my run I have 20 oz glass of gatorade and another glass of water (and sometimes water on the run)
breakfast is a nice glass of OJ (I have to have this like other people have to have coffee)
the rest of the day is usually water

I get an upset digestive tract when I have soda now
sometimes in the winter I like a decaf coffee with some non-dairy creamer
Hi! I'm Rachel
My Blog: Happay Scraps
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Cherry Bark

Re: Thursty Thursday
I start my day with a glass of water, followed with a cup of coffee. Then drink water until lunch. Dr. Pepper is what I drink at lunch, followed by water until dinner. Sweet Tea with dinner, then water until bed.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Thursty Thursday
water. I used to drink TONS of crystal light, until I was diagnosed with a nutrasweet sensitivity. I JUST found out that they have a nutrasweet free version. Yay.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Thursty Thursday
I like my caffeine Coke all the way! I"m not a good water drinker except at work...I love the way our ice machine makes ice so I much ice cubes all night long. I go thru about 3 16 oz cups worth of ice in a shift...and if the ice melts, I do drink that water.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Thursty Thursday
On a typical day its coffee to start, then lots of water throughout the day, milk with dinner, and I always have a nice cold coke before I hit the hay.

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Cherry Garcia

Re: Thursty Thursday
water and alot of it! But first I start with coffee, and alot of it! :)
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Thursty Thursday
Start out with a big glass of milk in the morning then mostly water the rest of the day.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Thursty Thursday
Water at work; iced tea with stevia at home. No aspartame for me!! My Scottish tea in the morning of course!
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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: Thursty Thursday
A big glass of water in the morning...followed by hot or iced tea (I get the iced green tea from starbucks if I've made it out the door for a run), then three water bottles while at work, and at least one more after I get home. I also like a Diet Dr. Pepper every once in a while.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Thursty Thursday
Water and tea. I usually have a few cups of flavored teas (all decaf) at night and now that it is hot out I make my own ice tea. I also infuse orange and lemon slices in water and drink that during the day. Sometimes with dinner I like a big glass of grape juice.

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Cherry Cola

Re: Thursty Thursday
Diet caffeen free pepsi is the main, I am really trying to drink more water. My water has to be ice cold!!! I can do up to four 16oz bottles at the dance studio in one evening easy, but at home to so much.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Thursty Thursday
water, water and more water. I drink water all day long! And surprisingly, Quinn will only drink water, too. If they were having fruit juice for a snack at school, she would request water. She will drink some OJ because I make her to get in a serving of fruit, but would prefer the water.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Thursty Thursday
I start the day out with coffee then I drink water until about mid afternoon then I hit the hard stuff! PEPSI!! I have a glass of milk sometime during the day.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Thursty Thursday
I just switched to caffeine free diet soda. Weaning myself off completely within a month or so (I hope).

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Wild Cherry

Re: Thursty Thursday
I mostly drink water.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Thursty Thursday
It used to be Cokes pretty much all day...untill the kidney stone in June. Now it's water or iced tea, which is really really really (did I mention REALLY) hard to do!!!

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