When they got her home, my grandparents said she went and hide behind furniture and wouldn't come out. My MeMa ask her why she was hiding and Anna said "Its because I'm not Beautiful anymore" WHY would a child of 4 years old already be saying that! I mean who would say that infront of her or give her that impression. I cried even more thinking of how her beautiful soul has been shattered through all of this. I know she'll get through it, its just so hard to think something can happenso fast and literally scar her life forever emotionally. It just wanted me to get to Indy that much faster to hold her, but I will respect my sister in laws wishes.
So right now, I'm still in a shock mode I think. But I cannot emphasize how much all your thoughts and prayers mean to me and my family. You guys are my exteneded family and I don't know what I'd do without you! Loves and Hugs!!
8/4/09 Hey guys, I'm just freaking out right now and wanted to let you know that I won't be on here for a little while. We found out this afternoon that my poor little 4 year old neice Anna got attacked by a dog today. She was at a friends house of her mom's and the dog was being playful and then just went chasing after her. We have no what happened.. I mean I'm thousands of miles away from her and just getting short phone calls from family members with little facts. And the worst of it, is my family lives in Indy, but my sister in law took the girls to Michigan for a mini vacation to visit with her friends and this is where it all happened at. So my brother is driving over 6 hours to try to find the hospital is at! She was mainly bite on the face but they had to rush her to surgery b/c she was vomitting with the morphine and the blod clots were coming un-done whatever that means. She's in recovery now but my brother got a text saying she looks even worse because her head is all bandaged up! The doctor said that the bite went into her cheek, lip, and nose and they think their is a lot of nerve damage that her cheek will always be numb for the rest of her life. I can't even fathom Anna going through this and what she looks like.
So needless so say, my parents are looking for flights and I'm trying to figure out how to get to Indiana b/c I can't fly. Its so hard not being able to do something being thousands of miles away. I don't have any kids but my neices are like my kids and I'm emotional train wreck not being able to be there for them. I may only get to go on vacations and see them a few times of year, but we talk on the phone and webcam and we just have such a bond with each other.
On top of all of it, my husband is sick, so I'm driving him all around to appts and taking care of him and I'm lost at what to do. I don't think I've ever felt this emotionally drained in my life. I'm in tears writing this right now b/c I can't stop thinking of her. So much has happened this month; dh's grandmother passing, house issues, and so much more that everything seems to be going by me in slow motion and doesn't feel like life.
I will check in when I can and let you all know when Anna is home and safe. I just want to thank you from the start, b/c I know how much you guys will help me through this! Loves and Hugs!!!!