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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I just thought of something.....
 Having suffered from depression for a long time and taking meds for it for over 15 years......what with our suckass economy and more people than ever suffering from depression, I'm envisioning street pushers peddling antidepressants along with the usual crack, heroin, weed, ect.

Addicts grinding up Prozac and smoking it......

Okay, just kidding.

I get these strange ideas all the time. It's the comic in me. Can't heppit. Image
ImageIf life gives you lemons, go find an annoying person with paper cuts.
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Cherry Cola

Re: I just thought of something.....
 The medicine I take for some of the symptoms you just described... and more... is the #2 street drug stolen and black marketed by teens - 2nd only to Ritalin. See,  you're not so off the mark. If times get worse we might be millionaires! ;)

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Digital Designers

Re: I just thought of something.....
 People will pay $5 a pill on the street for stuff you can get for $3 for a whole bottle with insurance and a script!!
Jeanelle Paige
My Blog ~ Lots of cool stuff there!!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: I just thought of something.....
 I thought my brain was the only one to think up those kind of scenarios. I feel like I found a long lost sister.

 My step son tells me that one of the types of drugs kids are into around here (and elsewhere I am sure) are pills. They grind them up into powder and snort them. I don't know exactly what they are grinding. Sadly they probably don't either.

 As for depression, lack of money certainly makes things worse doesn't it? People say money isn't everything but when someone's bills are piling up, mortgage not paid, no food etc., the lack of money becomes all encompassing.

 Ok, I am all over the place on this post. Gotta go drink some coffee.

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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: I just thought of something.....
 I can see it now: "pppppppppppsssssssssssssssssttttttttttt  WAnna buy some zoloft? "
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Cola

Re: I just thought of something.....
 Yeah flap know what you mean.. I take concerta/zooloft/wellbutrin/ and trazadone for sleep. Crazyness.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: I just thought of something.....
allysonc wrote: Yeah flap know what you mean.. I take concerta/zooloft/wellbutrin/ and trazadone for sleep. Crazyness.
Zooloft, is that for crazy zoo animals, just wonderin'................  :winkb:

I have some Paxil I can sell ya!! :-D 
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Digital Designers

Re: I just thought of something.....
 Around here it's hydros or percs. (Hydrocodone, percocet) Then there's E. (extacy) Kids will defiantly snort that stuff, guess it hits you faster that way. I couldn't imagine sniffing something up my nose! Sounds like it would hurt!!
Jeanelle Paige
My Blog ~ Lots of cool stuff there!!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: I just thought of something.....
 I once accidently sniffed up some of my powder makeup ...... OUCH! I couldn't imagine doing it willingly.
-- Jenn
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Cherry Blossom

Re: I just thought of something.....
 Jenn...I've done that a little bit of a buzz!!!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: I just thought of something.....
 *****hehee**** accidentally snorting your makeup.... hehehee.
I see alot of depression medication being prescriped and stolen in our economic future.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I just thought of something.....
scrapNslack wrote: I once accidently sniffed up some of my powder makeup ...... OUCH! I couldn't imagine doing it willingly.
I thought you're supposed to powder the outside of the nose :greenlol: Did it make you sneeze?
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: I just thought of something.....
 Because of the economy we're gonna see a lot more people who are neglecting their plastic surgery too ... 0P201.html
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Cola

Re: I just thought of something.....
Queen Mum wrote: Because of the economy we're gonna see a lot more people who are neglecting their plastic surgery too ... 0P201.html
Oh, now that is truly a shame, isn't it? The thought of these poor, POOR people not being able to afford Botox just breaks my hard heart. :winkb:

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Cherry Cola

Re: I just thought of something.....
I think I saw something like this on a Doctor Who episode.... :-D
"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen
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Cherry Addict

Re: I just thought of something.....
 as the economy gets worse, everyone will get desperate.  did you hear about Oprah's mom and her credit card bill, or was that all a big joke on one of the late night shows?  I was half asleep, and heard it, but don't fully remember, just that she (mom) claims she should not have to pay it because the store should not have given her like$125,000 credit limit, she cannot afford to pay that.  HELLO????  If you knew you couldn't afford it, why'd you buy it in the first place?
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
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