OK - so honeybuns has been complaining for a while that Liam's hair was too long - but I thought it was cute. Well, now, its just been getting annoying. Lots of little knots and kinks - basically little dreadlocks - and that stinks to try to work it out with my fingernails. So, I finally decided it was time for a real big boy haircut. Keep in mind, today is his five month birthday - and he's already had two "trims" since birth to avoid getting a baby mullett. And it looks like a hack job, I admit, in this photo -but I swear, after a bath it looks much better
I called my mom and she almost cried.....she said every time you cut a baby's hair he gets naughtier. What do you think????

look at those eyes!! He's a doll and what you mom said sure explains a lot about my boys 

Oh man... a super cutie! And they get naughtier anyway...
LOL! He looks like a little boy angel...not naughty! So cut Karin...and he was lookin' a little out of control there!
girl, i know what you mean!! i hate cutting my son's hair cuz i love that surfer look, but when people end up calling him a "she" or "her" (was funny a thousand times or so but after months of it, not so much) so i cut it finally and made me tear up cuz it always makes them look older, kwim? *sigh*either way though, your babe looks CUTE and i love that bib on him!!
He's so cute! My niece was the same way. She had several trims and then finally had her first big girl haircut at 5 months. It was still so long she looked like a girl! Liam most definitely does not! What a cutie!
I always hated those haircuts for my boys, everytime they got one, they lost more and more of the baby look.
