I went there over the weekend and I fell in love. They had some many nice scrapbooking stuff that I have told myself that I can not have any of it until I finish my son's preschool pics. So I am going home tonight and I am going to work on the pages. And when I go back in about a month I am going to buy me a bunch more stuff
Lucky you... My Joanns stinks! They never have anything new and the people who work there clearly don't like their jobs. I wish I had a good one!
Oh gosh, I thought I was walking in heaven. Of course this joanns in about 1 1/2 hours from me and its a brand new store.
I've been to a cool Joann's ETC (their version of a "super center") but all we have here is regular Joann's and they never have anything new really.
Our local one stinks, but the one further away is good.
Your Joann's must be so much better than what we have here. They have one aisle of crappy scrappy stuff.
Our JoAnn's is the worst! I am so jealous! I've seen the nice ones!! I cry everytime I walk into ours!! LOL!
I wonder what their criteria is for converting their older stores to the Joann's ETC? All of the older stores have closed here and new one's built in better areas of town.
Live long, laugh often, hug someone.

Live long, laugh often, hug someone.
mines gotten better. Its the only place with in a 25 mile radius that now sells fabrics so I always check out the SB stuff when I go

We don't have a Jo's in Canada that I know of. I know a lot of the ladies in a MSN Group I'm in order and go there alot
I like JoAnn's, but mostly just for lace and stuff...ours doesn't have a very good scrappy supply either!
I love the coupons too. I save my 40% and 50% off ones for scrapping supplies and albums. Although the stores on the west coast were better than the ones I have been to here in Indiana.
Mine has a horrible scrap section. Haven't been to the newer one that's out by me, but I wasn't impressed. Also, I got some of their rub-ons (JoAnne's Essentials or something like that) and the stinking things would not come off the sheet. I literally had to rub for 10 min and they barely came off...
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