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Cherry Addict

Where is Amanda?
SNAP!   Sus, that was a good one!   I will Have To Have your autograph if we ever meet!
If you dare condemn my life, it will come after you with a sharpened rake. Steven Jesse Bernstein
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Cherry Crush

Where is Amanda?
How The Heck am I supposed to keep up?  I'm pretty Happy To Hover at that site.  There's a male version on MGs.
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Cherry Delight

Where is Amanda?
Howling Testosterone Hormones?  
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Where is Amanda?
No wonder Moody brought the rake lady back!!
Scrapbooking is cheaper than a therapist!~author unknown
C * A * T * H Y
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Cherry Addict

Where is Amanda?
Yep, Cathy, I just Had To Have her.
If you dare condemn my life, it will come after you with a sharpened rake. Steven Jesse Bernstein
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Cherry Addict

Where is Amanda?
Holy Toledo, Honies.....this thread is still Happening?
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Cherry Addict

Where is Amanda?
Hard To Handle, isn't it, Eg.    Of course some of us (meaning moi, lol) Have The Hardest time just letting it go.
If you dare condemn my life, it will come after you with a sharpened rake. Steven Jesse Bernstein
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Cherry Delight

Where is Amanda?
And, of course, she's HAPPY TO HELP!
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Cherry Addict

Where is Amanda?
I Have To Hand it to can keep things running!
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Cherry Jubilee

Where is Amanda?
dang, I figured by the time I got home this thread would be long gone. . . .LOL
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Cherry Delight

Where is Amanda?
Dude, I totally figured out your code, but now I'm bummed because I'm always the last to know stuff. 
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Cherry Delight

Where is Amanda?
Just kidding!
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Cherry Delight

Where is Amanda?
There is a code to this Hot Thread Here?
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Cherry Delight

Where is Amanda?
LMBOThanks, that totally validated me. 
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Cherry Delight

Where is Amanda?
I'm Here To Help! 
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Cherry Crush

Where is Amanda?
Holy Toledo Homies, this went on and on and on!  Hope To Hear more, today!
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Cherry Jubilee

Where is Amanda?
Here's To Hilarious threads
Well-behaved women rarely make history.
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Cherry Addict

Where is Amanda?
Hey, The High today has so far been BELOW FREEEZING!!!!!!Here's To Higher temperatures!!!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Where is Amanda?
You girls are trips!!!   I only got one PM, can you believe it?  hahahahaha!!  Thanks for the PM, now I get it.  I'm so out of it aren't I?You are all big Tuna Helpers to me!!! 
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Cherry Addict

Where is Amanda?
Here's to Hoping this thread will last 24 hours!
If you dare condemn my life, it will come after you with a sharpened rake. Steven Jesse Bernstein
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