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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Do you dread the dentist?
Doesn't bother me at all.
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A Cherry on Top

Do you dread the dentist?
I don't mind....but....Em had a bad experience when she was about three. She is terrified. I finally found a fantastic pediatric dentist who knew what an a$$ the previous dentist was so he has worked with her. In fact her records in their computer are red flagged. If I call they will work her in the next day so that she doesn't have a long time to think about it. He is waiting on her when we walk in and he is so gentle with her. She is still afraid but it has been a few years since she tried to escape.
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Cherry Tart

Do you dread the dentist?
I do not dread it one bit.I HATE to go to the GYN, though.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Do you dread the dentist?
My dentist is "HOT"!!  OMG!  Don't need much novacaine when I'm looking into those eyes...oh wait...did I just say all that outloud? LOL.  Anyway, I try to make sure I'm good and tired before I go. I'd relax a lot more.
Scrapbooking is cheaper than a therapist!~author unknown
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Cherry Addict

Do you dread the dentist?
No, I do not dread going to the dentist.  Neither do my kids!  I have found one (through a neighbor friend's referral)....and just love him.  He is completely the exact opposite of the kind of dentist I had as a kid!!! 
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Do you dread the dentist?
Hate going!!! Dont care how cute wonderful nice he/she is doesnt matter hate it.!!! I liked my dentist back home and his young partner was even better...didnt matter. I still hated to go and the young partner is a hottie. Now I dont know anybody and I am deathly afraid to go. Am now leaving this thread with the dread of the unknown...thanks
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Do you dread the dentist?
oh yeah.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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Cherry Bing

Do you dread the dentist?
I am a grown woman and still have to have someone take me to the dentist.  I am terrified to even walk into the door!
Cubmaster and Proud Mother to a Tuba Playing son who is also an Eagle Scout."O God, help me to win, but in thy wisdom if thou willest me not to win, then O God, make me a good loser"
- Sir Robert Baden-Powell, Founder of the Boy Scouts
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Cherry Bing

Do you dread the dentist?
Yes, I dread dentist visits, but I dread the visits with the financial planner even more!  Had sweaty palms for two days! Hope all went well!
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams... live the life you have imagined. -Thoreau
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Cherry Garcia

Do you dread the dentist?
My hygenist is a friend and my dentist is her husband.  It's actually fun to go and chat - as much as possible anyway.  Also, I have had so much work done, that I have gotten accustomed to it.  I still don't like it obviously, but it isn't so bad anymore.  6yo DS is going in for his first cavity on Wed.  We have had a couple of discussions and he is actually excited to go - full of curiosty about the whole procedure.
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