Punkch and scissor cleaner?
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:49 pm
I saw this and wondered if anyone has tried it, or what you do besides ' goo gone' for cleaning your punches. var categoryId = "cat2785"; var productId = "prd48013"; var prodName = "Cutter+Glide+Tool+Treatment+%26+Cleaner"; var addCartUrl = ""; var addCartImg = ""; var onlineOnlyImg = ""; var freeShipImg = ""; var inventoryStatus = 0; var retailPriceString = ""; var salePriceString = ""; var stopPosition = 1000; function getElement(id){ if(document.getElementById){ getElement = function(id){ return document.getElementById(id); } }else if(document.all){ getElement = function(id){ return document.all[id]; }; }else if(document.layers){ getElement = function(id){ return document.layers[id]; }; }else{ getElement = function() { return null;} } return getElement(id); } function showFullDesc() { getElement("gb-product-description").innerHTML = prodLongCopy + '> Collapse'; } function showShortDesc() { getElement("gb-product-description").innerHTML = prodLongCopy.substr(0,stopPosition) + '...>See more'; } function zoomImg(imgUrl, tszoom) { var imgPath = imgUrl.substring(0, (imgUrl.indexOf("?"))); var finalImgPath = tszoom + "?path=" + imgPath; zoomWindow = window.open(finalImgPath, "zoomWin", "width=320,height=470,scrollbars=no,resizable=no"); zoomWindow.focus(); }
var imageString = ' ... 7&cvt=jpeg'; var sessionString = ""; var oldProductId = '154833'; var appContext = ""; appContext = "/joann"; function showImages() { var newLocation = appContext + "/product/images/" + oldProductId + ".jsp" + sessionString + "?CATID=cat2785&PRODID=prd48013"; window.location = newLocation; } Cutter Glide Tool Treatment & CleanerSKU# DFC N 303453 function popReview() { var reviewURL = ''.replace('', ''); reviewURL += "?CATID=" + categoryId + "&PRODID=" + productId; reviewWindow = window.open(reviewURL, "reviewWin", "width=425, height=450, scrollbars=yes, resizable=no"); reviewWindow.focus(); } (1 ratings) Write a review | Read reviews var inventoryStatus = 1; Sale Price: $6.96 salePriceString = '$6.96'; Regular Price: $9.95 retailPriceString = '$9.95'; QTY
var imageString = ' ... 7&cvt=jpeg'; var sessionString = ""; var oldProductId = '154833'; var appContext = ""; appContext = "/joann"; function showImages() { var newLocation = appContext + "/product/images/" + oldProductId + ".jsp" + sessionString + "?CATID=cat2785&PRODID=prd48013"; window.location = newLocation; } Cutter Glide Tool Treatment & CleanerSKU# DFC N 303453 function popReview() { var reviewURL = ''.replace('', ''); reviewURL += "?CATID=" + categoryId + "&PRODID=" + productId; reviewWindow = window.open(reviewURL, "reviewWin", "width=425, height=450, scrollbars=yes, resizable=no"); reviewWindow.focus(); } (1 ratings) Write a review | Read reviews var inventoryStatus = 1; Sale Price: $6.96 salePriceString = '$6.96'; Regular Price: $9.95 retailPriceString = '$9.95'; QTY