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Cherry Jubilee

4th of July / Patriotic Swap - Due July 31st
 Creative Imaginations, America The Beautiful Collection SwapDue date is July 31, 2008.Please read all INSTRUCTIONS carefully, I ask this only because when directions are followed we have some amazing swaps in the end. I personally see a major difference when directions are not taken seriously, I know this is all in good fun, however we want these items to be something we get in return that we will use.  There are some extremely talented people on this board and I love everyones work, all I ask is that we make this our "best" work. This swap I will only allow BAZZILL or TEXTURED like Bazzill  cardstock to be used, please do not sign up for spots if you dont plan on using these items. I am not trying to be picky but we are getting a lot of flimsy items in swaps, not due to the fault of swappers just that paper doesnt seem to hold up as well. Please dont think I am attacking anyone that is not the reasoning behind this. Please follow directions on all items, when it says embellish item please no less than 2 Embellishments per item. THIS SWAP IS DUE 7/31/08 since im not hosting alot in one given month priority stamp should suffice if im hosting 3 or more in a month then flat rate would apply. if more than 1 spot add 1.25 to each addl spot Please include a self addressed return lable, 1 gallon bag, what the items are for, swap name, due date, and the spot you have in it as well and number of players.  This is extremely helpful to hostesses when we sort so that we understand what swap it is for.  If POSTAGE is not included in your swap items your items WILL NOT BE MAILED back to you until postage is received.  These swap items will only be held for a short amount of time as well, after a month these items will be put up for payment to anyone willing to pay postage.  Please do not "hold your item" for the swap, SEND ALL SPOTS with the swap it makes it easier to sort so the hostess doesnt think she is short one.  Please DO NOT send partial amounts please send all items at once, getting paper is extremely difficult to keep track if its coming from several different places and in one's and two's.  If you have a paper spot and have it sent directly from the company that is fine, however dont forget to send your baggies and postage as well.  This can be easliy forgotten after a time period. PLEASE BAG all small items including, RIBBON, BRADS, BUTTONS, METAL ITEMS, DECOS, SLIDE MOUNTS, FLOSS BOBBINS, PRIMAS, BLING, anything that could get lost easily.If you need an ANGEL for any spot you sign up for please give all hostesses a FAIR amount of time ahead in order to find an angel for your spot.  This is only fair and causes less damage control when its close to the closing date.HERE WE GO GALS let the sign ups begin!!
 Image  Image  Image or Image 

1.    Patterned Paper #1 - stripes   - carjohn RECEIVED :-D

2.    Patterned Paper #2  - rebajane   RECEIVED :-D

3.    Cardstock (typhoon)  - Charliesangel  RECEIVED :-D

4.   Cardstock (bazzill red) - evilqueen  RECEIVED :)

5.    Photo Mat - Mindysue

6.    Journal Box - Mindysue's Mom (Carol)  RECEIVED :)

7.    Tag  - Huntersmom  FLAKED

8.   Library pocket, file folder, or other similar item - rebajane RECEIVED :-D

9.   Bling - TheFiberLady  Received :)

10.   Ribbon  - scrapchick72   Received :)

11.   Altered Item - Carjohn  RECEIVED :-D

12.   Flowers  - TheFiberLady  Received :)

13.   Border -  scrapgram  Received :)

14.   Other (please identify) - fibers - Huntersmom   FLAKED

15.    Altered CD - Mindysue   Received :)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: 4th of July / Patriotic Swap - Due July 31st
 Due next week!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 4th of July / Patriotic Swap - Due July 31st
 Sent it out today.
Here I come to save the day! Chas
I'm the crazy lizard lady

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: 4th of July / Patriotic Swap - Due July 31st
 Crud!!!  This swap will be late due to me being an absolute idiot.  Rebajane has a paper spot in this and another swap I'm doing.  Well, instead of sending her the extra sheets for her to do her file folders with, I sent her the 15 sheets of paper for each spot.  DUH!!!  And, since I'm heading down there in 2 weeks, I told her not to spend the money to mail the paper back to me, and I really can't afford to send her another box, so I'm taking the stuff with me and we'll whip out the swap items while I'm there and then when I get home hopefully everyone's items will be here and I can sort and send out.

So, we'll extend this to August 16, the day I get home from Wyoming. 
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Cherry Berry

Re: 4th of July / Patriotic Swap - Due July 31st
I completely spaced on this swap.  My ribbon went out today.  Sorry! :(
~Laura - Ms Laura if your Scrappy =)
Visit my blog: http://scrap-n-craftcorner.blogspot.com/
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Chatty Cherry

Re: 4th of July / Patriotic Swap - Due July 31st
 say mindy! mine are going to be late as i forgot about this swap.  I'll send this out hopefully on monday.  (all my supplies are at the other house and i'm not going up there until sunday night. sorry..i wish i had seen this this morning as i was up there tonight.)  again sorry everyone i was thinking i was in 2 swaps but the other cupcake swap got cancelled and i forgot about this 3rd swap...again sorry.
Wendy.....love my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: 4th of July / Patriotic Swap - Due July 31st
 Per Mindy - she moved it to 8/16 due to her going on vacation to visit her sister. See her post above!

So, we'll extend this to August 16, the day I get home from Wyoming
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: 4th of July / Patriotic Swap - Due July 31st
 If your item isn't marked as received, please let me know the status.  Thanks!
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Chatty Cherry

Re: 4th of July / Patriotic Swap - Due July 31st
 You should have mine by now
Wendy.....love my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: 4th of July / Patriotic Swap - Due July 31st
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Cherry Cola

Re: 4th of July / Patriotic Swap - Due July 31st
 ordered!!  I also ordered some of the other papers so it could be a better swap becasue of soem missing items.  if you could send me on of each and the rest to everyone else....thanks

Order Product Listing

[tableo border="0" cellpadding="2" style="width: 100%;"][/tableo][tro][/tro]Description

[tbodyo][/tbodyo][tro][/tro][tdo valign="top" width="10"][/tdo][img]http://www.acherryontop.com/i/thumbnails/t-41272.jpg[/img]
[tdo valign="top"][/tdo]Typhoon 162-10201
[tdo valign="top"][/tdo]15
[tdo valign="top"][/tdo]0
[tdo align="right" valign="top"][/tdo]0.59

[tro][/tro][tdo valign="top" width="10"][/tdo][img]http://www.acherryontop.com/i/thumbnails/t-74309.jpg[/img]
[tdo valign="top"][/tdo]We The People 54-17264
[tdo valign="top"][/tdo]6
[tdo valign="top"][/tdo]0
[tdo align="right" valign="top"][/tdo]0.70

[tro][/tro][tdo valign="top" width="10"][/tdo][img]http://www.acherryontop.com/i/thumbnails/t-74311.jpg[/img]
[tdo valign="top"][/tdo]Pledge Of Allegiance 54-17266
[tdo valign="top"][/tdo]12
[tdo valign="top"][/tdo]0
[tdo align="right" valign="top"][/tdo]0.70
God determines who walks into your life....it's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: 4th of July / Patriotic Swap - Due July 31st
 I received Kiera's papers today.  Thanks!  And, in updating I realized I am supposed to be doing the Photo mats.  I'll get them done tonight (oops!!) and everyone's boxes will go out tomorrow or Thursday, depending on if I can get to the Post Office tomorrow or not. 
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: 4th of July / Patriotic Swap - Due July 31st
 Swap is postal.
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