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Cherry Cola

Please think of me and my family
  I have had several pms and I TRUELY apologize that I have not responded to everyone.  I really appreciate the many  pms of concern of where I have been the past few weeks.  I guess when it rains it pours as they say.  I had my epidural put in a few weeks back not a pleasant experience I must say, and honestly doesn't help the extreme pain I am enduring either. 
Last Weds. I got a very devastating phone call from my sister about my uncle Nick.  My uncle hadn't felt well for a few months and went through very extensive testing for unexplained illness and extreme pain in his lower abdomen.  He had lost 30 pounds in the last 6 weeks, and was physically ill to the point he could no longer eat or get out of bed.  Uncle Nick was extremely active and very physically fit so this was extremely depressing to him that they couldn't explain his illness.  He went through many weeks of testing and hospital stays as well.  My uncle was our rock, he made everyone smile and there wasn't one person who he didn't touch even with just a simple hello and a smile.  He sadly took his own life lasts Weds. after he found out he had Pancreatic Cancer.  He was so strong for everyone else and I really feel in my heart that he just didn't want his wife and all of us to watch him suffer, and I really feel he had to have been in so much pain to do this.  He was very strong in his faith and I don't think he would have done this, we think he just couldnt handle the pain and he wanted to leave on his terms, there are so many unanswered questions for all of us and so much sadness.  He was buried today with full honors he was a retired firefighter for the City of Columbus Ohio for 31 years.  He also got a plaque of honor for saving a life through a 911 call when he was an operator for 13 years as well, and was named Dispatcher of the year as well.  He was such a special person and I know you all didn't know him but he simply touched everyone he met.  He was a loving, genuine, caring person with the heart of gold.  As they played the bagpipes today of "Amazing Grace", I don't think I have ever cried so hard in my life.  It was a beautiful funeral and I am very honored to have had him touch and grace my life and my boys life.  I would like to ask that if you could think of our family in this great time of need, we are so lost and saddened by all of this.  I think I am still in shock from all of this and this will stay with me for some time.  
Thank you ladies for all your kind hearts and words
Jennifer Mom of Four Boys
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Cherry Berry

Re: Please think of me and my family
Lu-Ann Lover of LadybugsImage
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Miss Daisy-NC

Cherry Garcia

Re: Please think of me and my family
 (((((HUGS))))) to you, and your'll be in my sorry for your lost
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Please think of me and my family
 prayers sent jenn.
me and my angels
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Cherry Berry

Re: Please think of me and my family
 I am sorry to hear of your loss Jen, it sounds like you and your family were blessed to have such a wonderful person in your family.  You are in my thoughts and prayers!
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