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Cherry Addict

Cupcakes :D
okay, so I succumbed to watching Cupcake Wars with my sis while over visiting last weekend and I have to admit I was pretty interested in some of those unique flavor combos! I'm no scratch cake mixer either, Betty Crocker is just fine with me. ;) so I'm making cupcakes and thought I'd throw in a little twist ala inspiration from Cupcake Wars.

Do you have any 'altered' cake mix recipes to share?

Peanut Butter Cup-Cakes = milk chocolate mix. plop a mini Reece's PB cup in the center after you pull from the oven. frost with yet more milk chocolatey goodness and you've got a chocolate coma waiting to happen!

Lemon Cream = lemon mix with fresh lemon zest and a little squeeze of juice. mix a bit of fresh lemon zest with cream cheese frosting. Pretty when sprinkled with sugar crystals.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Cupcakes :D
I have never heard of cupcake wars. I did watch Masterchef last night and they had a cupcake challenge. Some interesting cupcakes. I do like your idea of Peanut butter cup cupcakes..I think I have to try that!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Cupcakes :D
we have 2 local bakeries that inspire alot of what i try at home . The first one has alot of "adult " flavors :-D the second is just awesome ... plain and simple ! i recently did a smores cupcake . it was a cake recipe in taste of home. It was a graham cake, marshamallow frosting, shaved chocolate on top. Yummy! if you would like the recipe i can message it to you!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Cupcakes :D
MamaK321 wrote:okay, so I succumbed to watching Cupcake Wars with my sis while over visiting last weekend and I have to admit I was pretty interested in some of those unique flavor combos! I'm no scratch cake mixer either, Betty Crocker is just fine with me. ;) so I'm making cupcakes and thought I'd throw in a little twist ala inspiration from Cupcake Wars.

Do you have any 'altered' cake mix recipes to share?

Peanut Butter Cup-Cakes = milk chocolate mix. plop a mini Reece's PB cup in the center after you pull from the oven. frost with yet more milk chocolatey goodness and you've got a chocolate coma waiting to happen!

Lemon Cream = lemon mix with fresh lemon zest and a little squeeze of juice. mix a bit of fresh lemon zest with cream cheese frosting. Pretty when sprinkled with sugar crystals.
I don't bake much, but these I will try! yum--after I break my 150 lb mark!!!
Lori aka "Mima"
Cherish Every Moment; Then Scrap Each One!
Sweet Spot Designs!!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Cupcakes :D
came across this site very fun
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Cupcakes :D
MonicaInRaleigh wrote:came across this site very fun

Thanks for sharing this site... love it! The Candy Corn Cupcakes she has on there are so stinkin' cute!

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