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Cherry Garcia

Scrapbooks Etc - Halloween pages due Feb 14th


Calling all ghosts, ghouls, and trick-or-treaters! We want to see your favorite spooktacular Halloween projects and pages by February 14.
Send your work to with “Halloween” in the subject line. Please send only three submissions per person and keep attached files to less than 500k.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Scrapbooks Etc - Halloween pages due Feb 14th
I just sent a page in for this call!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Scrapbooks Etc - Halloween pages due Feb 14th
Well, I tried, anyway! It got bounced back to me three times! The file size was less thant 500KB the first time and each time I made it smaller, and they still wouldn't accept it! :(
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Scrapbooks Etc - Halloween pages due Feb 14th
Well obviously, as my gallery posts illustrate, I have never submitted to these before. It amazes me how far ahead these magazines work. I understand why, just never gave it a thought.
Life is good, and even better when the SUN is shining! :)
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Scrapbooks Etc - Halloween pages due Feb 14th
averys_mom wrote:Well, I tried, anyway! It got bounced back to me three times! The file size was less thant 500KB the first time and each time I made it smaller, and they still wouldn't accept it! :(

Sometimes the mailboxes get full after they post calls. You have awhile before the deadline. I would try again on Monday. If it still doesn't go through, send the an email without the image and say that you're having problems. If that doesn't go through, you've confirmed that the mailbox is full. I would then email Leah Fung directly to tell her your issue so she can empty the mailbox! HTH! :-D
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